Vol 7, No 2 (2013)

Hubungan antara Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu dan Kecerdasan Logika-Matematika Siswa R.A. Muslimat N.U. Ponorogo

Hidayati, Kurnia ( STAIN Ponorogo)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Apr 2015


This study describes the relationship between mothers education level and students’ logic-mathematical intelligence at the RA NU 074 Ronowijayan Ponorogo. This study was conducted with a quantitative approach through the study of documentation and questionnaires. The data is processed by the formula percentages and standard deviations and analyzed by correlation of contingency coefficients. The results showed that (1) The level of maternal education were high for as many as 10 people or 50%, the categories are as many as 7 people or 35% and the low category as many as 3 people or 15%; (2) Logical-mathematical intelligence which include high category with a score of> 62.103 as many as three people, the medium category with a score of 44.697 to 62.103 as many as 13 people and low category with a score of <44.697 of 4 people and (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between mothers education level and logic-mathematical intelligence RA NUs 074 students Ronowijayan Ponorogo at a significance level of 5% with Φ0> table or 0.6000606> 0.444 then H0 is rejected and Ha accepted.

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