Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment
Vol 2 No 03 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment (August)

Digital Marketing Strategy for MSME Products 'Ketan Ma Adah Bagendit' by Utilizing Social Media

Firman Nur Hakim (Universitas Garut)
Abda Fillah Al Intifadha (Universitas Garut)
Agni Triwulansari (Universitas Garut)
Ahmad Yusron Sidik (Universitas Garut)
Aliefa Bintan Karamy (Universitas Garut)
Elsa Zulfiah (Universitas Garut)
Aam Munawar (Universitas Garut)
Gita Anggaeni Permana (Universitas Garut)
Imas Kurniati (Universitas Garut)
Mohamad Rifki Nawawi (Universitas Garut)
Nabila Yuniawati (Universitas Garut)
Nawadhir Fauzan (Universitas Garut)
Neneng Lisna Rahayu Sidiq (Universitas Garut)
Rifa Fardila Arti (Universitas Garut)
Rizki Insani Saputra (Universitas Garut)
Romi Fikriawan Agusty (Universitas Garut)
Wiwit Nursafitri (Universitas Garut)
Nizar Alam Hamdani (Universitas Garut)

Article Info

Publish Date
05 Nov 2022


Abstract This community service has a purpose or work program to provide motivation or education about the importance of digital marketing at this time. The method used is in the form of socialization and data collection of SMEs in Bagendit village which allows for assistance in Digital Marketing. The socialization was carried out by coming to a recitation event in each citizens association and then giving a lecture about the importance of Digital Marketing. Then the data collection was carried out after the lecture by having a dialogue with the mothers who were present at the recitation. The results of this dedication to a work program are expected to be more productive on a daily basis, besides that it is also expected to be able to apply this digital marketing to SMEs owned so that they are more widely known. Abstrak Pengabdian kepada masyarakat Kelompok 1 ini memiliki tujuan atau program kerja untuk memberikan motivasi atau edukasi tentang pentingnya Digital Marketing pada saat sekarang ini. Metode yang digunakan berupa sosialisasi dan pendataan UMKM yang ada pada desa Bagendit yang memungkinkan untuk dibantu dalam Digital Marketingnya. Sosialisasi dilakukan dengan cara datang ke acara pengajian di setiap RW lalu memberikan ceramah tentang pentingnya Digital Marketing. Lalu untuk pendataan dilakukan sesudah ceramah dengan cara berdialog dengan ibu ibu yang hadir pada pengajian tersebut. Hasil dari pengabdian pada suatu program kerja ini diharapkan agar lebih bisa produktif dalam sehari harinya selain itu juga diharapkan dapat mengaplikasikannya digital marketing ini untuk UMKM yang dimiliki agar terkenal lebih luas.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Humanities Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences Other


Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment (IJCE) is a scientific journal that contains the results of community service managed and published by the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Universitas Garut. IJCE covers several issues on community services related to Entrepreneurship, Education, Information ...