Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro
Jetri Volume 12, Nomor 1, Agustus 2014


Rafael Sianipar (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Feb 2017


The increasing number of large induction motors use as production equipment is realized to lower the electric quality due to electric shock every time the motor are started directly to the grid. It will adversely affect the performance of production machines around them so it is necessary to overcome the electric shock technically. Whena large induction motoris started,it has highly inductive nature which indicates that a large reactive power is required. The severe electric shock can be avoided if the reactive power demand in the conductors can be compensated from outside of the system. The discussion shows that the use of capacitors is able to reduce the voltage shock whenever a large induction motor is starteddirectly to the grid. Keywords: direct starting, reactive power compensation, capacitor startPenggunaan peralatan produksi yang digerakan oleh motor induksi yang semakin bertambah banyak disadari akan menurunkan mutu listrik akibat timbulnya goncangan tegangan setiap kali dilakukan pengasutan motor secara langsung. Hal tersebut akan berdampak buruk terhadap kinerja mesin produksi lain disekitarnya sehingga perlu suatu upaya teknis untuk mengatasinya. Setiap motor induksi besar pada awal dijalankan bersifat sangat induktif, yang mengindikasikan adanya kebutuhan daya reaktif yang besar. Goncangan tegangan yang besar dapat dikurangi jika aliran kebutuhan daya reaktif dalam penghantar dikompensasi dari luar sistem. Dari pembahasan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan kapasitor saat pengasutan mampu mengurangi goncangan tegangan setiap kali motor induksi besar diasut langsung ke jala-jala. Kata kunci: pengasutan  motor  secara  langsung,  kebutuhan  daya  reaktif, kapasitor saat pengasutan 

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy


Jetri is a scientific journal aims to publish high quality and up to date articles in electrical engineering field. Its scope includes (but not limited to): - Power Systems: nonrenewable and renewable energy power generation, power transmission and distribution, power conversion, protection system, ...