Jurnal Ilmiah Sains
Volume 11 Nomor 1, April 2011


Ben J. Takaendengan (Sam Ratulangi University)
Ronny R. Noor (Institut Pertanian Bogor)
Cece Sumantri (Institut Pertanian Bogor)
Sri Adiani (Sam Ratulangi University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2011


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jarak genetik antar subpopulasi kuda lokal di Sulawesi Utara dengan menggunakan analisis morfologi dan polimorfisme protein darah. Subpopulasi kuda local yang diamati meliputi 505 ekor kuda dewasa yang terdiri dari 310 kuda jantan (stallion) dan 193 kuda betina (mare) dengan umur 2-7 tahun. Analisis morfologi digunakan untuk menentukan ukuran tubuh dan bobot badan, sedangkan analisis polimorfisme protein darah dilakukan untuk menduga keragaman genetic berdasarkan polimorfisme protein Albumin (Alb), post-albumin (PAlb), transferin (Tf), post-transferin 1 (PTf-1), post-transferin 2 (PTf-2), alfa-hemoglobin(Hbα) dan beta-hemoglobin (Hbβ). Analisis morfologi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata ukuran badan dan bobot tubuh subpopulasi kuda Tomohon lebih tinggi (p<0.05) dibandingkan dengan subpopulasi di 3 daerah lainnya (Manado, Minahasa selatan dan Minahasa). Jarak genetik terdekat (2,75) terdapat antara subpopulasi kuda Minahasa dan Minahasa Selatan, sedangakan jarak genetic terjauh (9,02) terdapat antara subpopulasi kuda Tomohon dan Manado. Hasil kedua analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa subpopulasi kuda Tomohon mempunyai hubungan kekerabatan yang jauh dengan ketiga subpopulasi kuda Sulawesi Utara lainnya.Kata kunci: jarak genetik, kuda, morfologi, polimorfisme protein darahDETERMINATION OF GENETIC DISTANCE ON NORTH SULAWESI NATIVE HORSES BASED ON ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGYAND BLOOD-PROTEIN POLYMORPHISMABSTRACTThis research aimed to determine genetic distance among subpopulations of North Sulawesi natice horses using analysis of morphology and blood protein polymorphism. The observed subpopulations of native horses included 505 mature horses 2-7 years old and consisted of 310 males (stallion) and 193 females (mare). Morphological analysis was used to determine the size and weight of body. Analysis of blood protein polymorphism was conducted to estimate genetic polymorphism of Albumin (Alb), Post Albumin (PAlb), Transferin (Tf), Post Transferin-1(PTf1), Post Transferin-2 (PTf2), alfa Hemoglobin (Hbα) and beta Hemoglobin (Hbβ). Morphological analysis showed that average size and weight of body in subpopulation of Tomohon horses were bigger (p<0,05) than 3 other ones (Manado, South Minahasa and Minahasa). The nearest genetic distance (viz. 2,75) was between Minahasa and South Minahasa horses, whereas the longest genetic distance was between Tomohon and Manado subpopulations. These analysis indicated that Tomohon horses bad far relationship to 3 other horse subpopulations ini North Sulawesi.

Copyrights © 2011

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemistry Computer Science & IT Mathematics Physics


Jurnal Ilmiah Sains (Journal of Scientific Sciences) is the Journals Published by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains Published Twice a Year, i.e April and October. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains  welcomes full research articles in the area of ...