Jurnal Keolahragaan
Vol 7, No 1 (2021): April

Pengaruh Program Fundamental Movement Skills Terhadap Pengembangan Proses Sosial (Assosiatif dan Disosiatif) Siswa SD

Ucu Abdul Ropi (Universitas Galuh Ciamis Indonesia)
Gani Kardani (Universitas Galuh Ciamis Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Apr 2021


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh isu anak yang cenderung memilih aktifitas permainan yang pasif dan kurang menguasai gerak dasar sebagai bekal untuk bersosialisasi. Melalui program FMS anak diperkenalkan gerak dasar (lokomotor, non-lokomotor dan manipulatif). Penguasaan gerak dasar (FMS) yang baik, anak mampu berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Metode (True Eksperimen). Desain (Randomized posttest only control group designs). Populasi adalah seluruh siswa SDN 4 Sindangrasa, sampel 64 orang siswa 32 orang kelompok A dan 32 orang kelompok B. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai thit 3,658 dengan probabilitas (p) Sig. 0,001<0,05 maka Ho ditolak, artinya bahwa “Terdapat pengaruh program FMS terhadap pengembangan proses sosial (asosiatif) siswa SD”. Diketahui nilai thit 1,010 dengan probabilitas (p) Sig. 0,275 > 0,05 maka Ho diterima, artinya bahwa “Tidak terdapat pengaruh program FMS terhadap pengembangan proses sosial (disosiatif) Siswa SD”. Program FMS mampu memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan proses sosial (Asosiatif) siswa SD. Program FMS tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan proses sosial (disosiatif) siswa SD.This research was motivated by the issue of children who tend to choose passive play activities and did not master basic movements as a provision for socializing. Through the FMS program, children were introduced to basic movements (locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative). Good mastery of basic movements (FMS), children were able to interact and socialize with the surrounding environment. Method (True Experiment). Design (Randomized posttest only control group designs). The population was all students of SDN 4 Sindangrasa, a sample of 64 students 32 group A and 32 group B. The results showed a thit value of 3.658 with probability (p) Sig. 0.001 <0.05, so Ho is rejected, meaning that "there was an influence of the FMS program on the development of the social (associative) process of elementary students". It was known that the tit value was 1.010 with probability (p) Sig. 0.275> 0.05 then Ho was accepted, meaning that "there was no influence of the FMS program on the development of the social (dissociative) process of elementary students". The FMS program was able to have a significant influence on the development of the social process (associative) of elementary students. The FMS program does not have a significant influence on the development of the social (dissociative) process of elementary students.

Copyrights © 2021

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Humanities Education Social Sciences Other


Jurnal Keolahragaan merupakan jurnal saintifik yang terbit setiap bulan April dan Oktober. Untuk versi cetak mulai terbit bulan April tahun 2015 dan pada tahun 2019 Jurnal Keolahragaan menerbitkan versi online. Misi Jurnal Keolahragaan adalah menjadi publisher artikel dalam bidang pendidikan jasmani ...