Telematika : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
Vol 19, No 3 (2022): Edisi Oktober 2022

Augmented Reality Introduction to Animals of the Archipelago to Grow the Nation's Love for Children

Anis Susila Abadi (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta)
Pipit Febriana Dewi (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta)
Bambang Robi'in (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Oct 2022


Purpose: Produce Augmented Reality applications as a medium for introducing Indonesian animals to foster the nation's love for children.Design/methodology/approach: AR applications are built using markers. AR application development uses the MDLC method, which consists of six stages, namely concept, design, material collection, manufacture, testing, and distribution.Findings/result: This research resulted in the application of Augmented Reality Animal Recognition. The results of the tests that have been carried out using the similarity test of 92% for testing the similarity of 3D objects on animals. SEQ testing with an average result of 91.18 on a scale of 10, so it can be concluded that the application has met the needs of users.Originality/value/state of the art: The development of this application focuses on AR applications with models of Indonesian animals and explanations of the characteristics of these animals.

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