Sinar Sang Surya: Jurnal Pusat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Agustus 2022

Peningkatan Manajemen Otot Dalam Kepelatihan Fisik Prajurit Kodim 0429 Lampung Timur

Bota Muhammad Akbar (Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro)
Sri Retnaning Rahayu (Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro)
Efraldo Yudistira (Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro)
Al Um Uniswatun K (Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro)
Lukito Dwi Yuwono (Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Aug 2022


ABSTRAK Aktifitas fisik berat memerlukan manajemen otot yang baik, agar performa otot dapat terus menerus memiliki kualitas yang prima. Tidak terkecuali pada prajurit TNI pada Kodim 0429 Lampung Timur. Permasalahan mitra adalah kurang pendekatan medis olahraga kepada pasukannya. Keluhan yang muncul performa yang kurang maksimal dikarenakan kendala cidera yang menghampiri para prajurit, upaya medis trasidisional seperti pijat/relaksasi otot sudah sering dilakukan tetapi efek yang dirasa kurang maksimal. Kegiatan pertama yang dilakukan adalah melakukan screening pada prajurit untuk mengecek kondisi performa prajurit guna mengetahui kelemahan dan potensi cidera yang berkemungkinan dialami oleh prajurit secara khusus dengan data-data evidence base dan data penelitian yang efisien terhadap penanggulangan cidera. Hasil didapat keluhan yang paling banyak dirasakan pada bagian leher, pinggang dan belakang tubuh. Kegiatan kedua pemberian materi mengenai streching yang benar, latihan yang benar untuk mencegah cidera otot dan bagaimana menangani bila terjadi cidera otot agar tidak terjadi cidera berulang atau malah lebih parah. Kegiatan ketiga tanya jawab mengenai hal tersebut. Berikutnya mengadakan pelatihan/praktik dari materi yang disampaikan sebelumnya kepada prajurit guna meningkatkan performa manajemen otot dan program preventif agar cidera tidak berulang untuk para prajurit. Selanjutnya adalah mengadakan pelatihan untuk merancang program latihan pasukan guna meningkatkan performa manajemen otot dan program preventif agar cidera tidak berulang pada prajurit. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah mitra mampu membuat program latihan yang terukur khusus terhadap perorangan prajurit guna membuat program latihan yang spesifik dalam penanggulangan terjadinya cidera serta latihan tepat guna berdasarkan kebutuhan prajurit secara fisik dan performa. Kata kunci: cidera, screening, praktik, program latihan ABSTRACTStrenuous physical activity requires good muscle management, so that muscle performance can continue to have excellent quality. The TNI soldiers at Kodim 0429 East Lampung were no exception. The partner's problem is the lack of a sports medical approach to his troops. Complaints that appeared were less than optimal performance due to injury problems that approached the soldiers, traditional medical efforts such as massage/muscle relaxation have often been carried out but the effect was felt to be less than optimal.The first activity carried out was screening soldiers to check the condition of the performance of soldiers to find out the weaknesses and potential injuries that might be experienced by soldiers specifically with evidence base data and efficient research data on injury prevention. The results obtained that most complaints are felt in the neck, waist and back of the body. The second activity provides material on the right stretching, the right exercises to prevent muscle injury and how to deal with muscle injuries so that there are no repeated or even more severe injuries. The third activity asked questions about this. Next, conduct training/practice from the material previously presented to soldiers in order to improve the performance of muscle management and preventive programs so that injuries are not repeated for the soldiers.Next is conducting training to design troop training programs to improve muscle management performance and preventive programs so that injuries are not repeated to soldiers. The result of this activity is that partners are able to make specific measurable training programs for individual soldiers in order to create specific training programs in overcoming injuries and appropriate training based on the physical needs of soldiers and performance. Keywords: injury, screening, practice, exercise program

Copyrights © 2022

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