KLIK (Kumpulan jurnaL Ilmu Komputer) (e-Journal)
Vol 9, No 3 (2022)


Andi Farmadi (Unknown)
Muliadi Muliadi (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Oct 2022


Nutrient levels for plants are very influential in the development of hydroponic plants. Plants that lack nutrients can cause plants to become stunted, wither or even die, but excessive nutrition will result in plants being susceptible to fungal pests and can also cause plant death. Another factor in controlling the provision of nutrients to hydroponic plants is the stability of the pH of the water before hydroponic administration. In this study, the artificial intelligence method, a fuzzy logic control method, was used in stabilizing the acidity level of nutrient water with the Sugeno method. The Fuzzyfication approach used was Center of Maximum (CoM). For the automatic feeding model, it is determined using a polynomial model of order-3 in units of ppm/liter per week. So, based on this method, a monitoring application can be developed using the Labview blog diagram model application.Keywords : Fuzzy Logic Control, LabView, hydroponic Nutrient. Kadar nutrisi untuk tumbuhan sangat berpengaru dalam perkembangan tanaman hidroponik, Tanaman yang kekurangan nutrisi dapat menyebabkan tanaman menjadi kerdil, layu atau bahkan mengalami kematian, namun pemberian nutrisi secara berlebihan akan megakibatkan tanaman rentan teserang hama cendawan dan juga dapat menyebabkan kematian pada tanaman. Faktor lain dalam Pengontrolan pemberian nutrisi tanaman hidroponik adalah kestabilan Ph air sebelum pemberian hidroponik, pada penelitian ini digunakan metode kecerdasan buatan metode fuzzy logic control dalam penstabilan tingkat keasaman air nutrisi dengan pendekatan metode Sugeno, Pendekatan Fuzzyfikasi yang digunakan adalah Center of Maximum (CoM), untuk model pemberian nutrisi secara otomatisasi ditetapkan menggunakan model polynomial orde-3 dalam satuan ppm/liter perminggu. Sehingga dengan dasar metode tersebut maka dapat dikembangkan Aplikasi monitoring yang dibangun menggunakan aplikasi model diagram blog Labview.Kata Kunci : Fuzzy Logic Control, LabView, Nutrisi Hidroponik.

Copyrights © 2022

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Computer Science & IT


KLIK Scientific Journal, is a computer science journal as source of information in the form of research, the study of literature, ideas, theories and applications in the field of critical analysis study Computer Science, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Network, published two ...