Mamangan Social Science Journal
Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Mamangan ( Not Accredited)

Analisis Pemenuhan Hak Dasar Anak Pada Program “Kota Layak Anak” Di Kecamatan Gading Cempaka, Bengkulu

Ika Pasca Himawati (Universitas Bengkulu)
Heni Nopianti (Universitas Bengkulu)
Sri Hartati (Universitas Bengkulu)
Sri Handayani Hanum (Universitas Bengkulu)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Jun 2016


The purpose of this research is to find and to analyzes the fulfillment of the basic rights on child based on the regulation of the state minister for women empowerment and child protection of the republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2011 on indicators district of a city worthy of child. The research was done in 2 areas which is located in Gading Cempaka Subdistrict, they are in Cempaka Permai and Lingkar Baratvillage. Research conducted with qualitative approach and data was collected  throughout observation, interview , FGD and study document . The result is a). In the both of areas have not had children forum which can directly accommodate the aspirations of children and do not involve children (age category of teenagers) on the activities and deliberations or work programs that exist in the environment RT or RW. b). In the both of areas has not been in the region of the unavailability of two consulting agencies for parents/family and child welfare agencies. c). In the both of areas has not been in an optimum manner use of leisure time and cultural activities it was found problems yet the number of program activity level of RT and RW aimed at maximizing the potential of children, as well as the unavailability of Green Open Space (RTH) as playing area that is safe and comfortable for children. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menemukenali serta menganalisis pemenuhan hak dasar pada anak yang didasarkan pada Peraturan Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuandan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia No. 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Indikator Kabupaten Kota Layak Anak. Penelitian dilakukan di 2 kawasan yang berada di Kecamatan Gading Cempaka, yakni Kelurahan Cempaka Permai dan Kelurahan Lingkar Barat. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan informan melalui purposive dan snowball sampling. Adapun teknik pengambilan data dilakukan  melalui observasi, wawancara, FGD dan studi dokumen. Temua penelitian menunjukkan bahwa a). Kedua wilayah penelitian belum memiliki forum anak yang dapat mengakomodir aspirasi anak secara langsung serta belum melibatkan anak khususnya anak kategori usia remaja pada kegiatan dan musyawarah ataupun program kerja yang ada di lingkungan RT/RW maupun kelurahan, b). Di dua kawasan tersebut belum tersedia lembaga konsultasi bagi orang tua/keluarga dan lembaga kesejahteraan anak. c). Belum banyaknya program kegiatan di tingkat RT dan RW yang ditujukan untuk memaksimalkan potensi anak serta belum tersedianya kawasan Ruang terbuka Hijau (RTH) sebagai kawasan bermain yang amandan nyaman bagi anak.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Mamangan with registered number ISSN 2301-8496 (Print) and ISSN 2503-1570 (Online) is peer review journal published by Sociology Education Department of PGRI University West Sumatera The journal is to disseminating research and conceptual article in the field of social and ...