Sarwahita : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 19 (2022): Sarwahita : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 19 Edisi Khusus Tahun 2022


Markus Diantoro (Universitas Negeri Malang)
Joko Utomo (Universitas Negeri Malang)
Arif Nur Afandi (Universitas Negeri Malang)
Nuviya Illa Muthi Aturroifah (Universitas Negeri Malang)
Ade Siyanti Nurul Hidayah (Universitas Negeri Malang)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Jan 2023


Tourism development in Indonesia continues to be carried out to attract tourists and create prosperity for the community. Mountain areas in the form of agricultural areas, plantations, and livestock are areas that have the potential to be used as tourist attractions. One of the tourist attractions in mountainous areas in East Java is Dillem Wilis agro-tourism which is located in Trenggalek Regency. Dillem Wilis is situated at the foot of Mount Wilis which is famous for its coffee processing tours in Dutch heritage factories and dairy farms. The area of ​​Dillem Wilis agro-tourism is about 200 Ha. Existing tourist facilities have not been effective in attracting tourists to visit Dillem Wilis agro-tourism. The purpose of this dedication is to develop a high bridge rope sports vehicle to increase the interest of tourists in visiting Dillem Wilis agro-tourism. The service process is carried out in 4 stages, namely, site observation, vehicle design, vehicle procurement, and trials. The high bridge rope ride was built across the river with a height of 3 meters and a length of 8 meters. The high bridge rope rides that were built consisted of a wooden bridge and a rope bridge. Rides high bridge rope can be used as a vehicle for educational tours of sports that can train the courage of children and adults. Abstrak Upaya pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia terus dilakukan untuk menarik minat wisatawan dan menciptakan kemakmuran bagi masyarakat. Daerah pegunungan yang berupa daerah pertanian, perkebunan dan peternakan merupakan daerah yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan objek wisata. Salah satu objek wisata di daerah pegunungan yang ada di Jawa Timur adalah agrowisata Dillem Wilis yang terletak di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Dillem Wilis berada di kaki Gunung Wilis yang terkenal dengan wisata pengolahan kopi di pabrik peninggalan Belanda dan peternakan sapi perah. Luas wilayah agrowisata Dillem Wilis sekitar 200 Ha. Fasilitas wisata yang ada belum efektif menarik minat wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke agrowisata Dillem Wilis. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah upaya pengembangan wahana olahraga high bridge rope untuk meningkatkan minat wisatawan agar tertarik untuk berkunjung ke agrowisata Dillem Wilis. Proses pengabdian dilakukan dalam 4 tahap yaitu, pengamatan lokasi, desain rancang bangun wahana, pengadaan wahana, dan uji coba. Wahana high bridge rope dibangun melintasi sungai dengan ketinggian wahana 3 meter dan panjang 8 meter. Wahana high bridge rope yang dibangun terdiri dari jembatan kayu dan jembatan tali. Wahana high bridge rope dapat digunakan sebagai wahana wisata edukasi olahraga yang dapat melatih keberanian anak-anak dan orang dewasa.

Copyrights © 2022

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Humanities Education Social Sciences Other


The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. Sarwahita, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows: ...