JCES (Journal of Character Education Society)
Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Januari


Septina Galih Pudyastuti (Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)
Yosafat Hermawan Trinugraha (Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)
Nurhadi Nurhadi (Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)
Saifuddin Zuhri (Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)
Abdul Rahman (Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Jan 2023


Abstrak: Pengembangan profesionalisme guru menjadi prioritas utama menyangkut program pembangunan pendidikan di Indonesia. Beberapa aspek keprofesionalan meliputi unsur pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif. Penciptaan karya ilmiah oleh sebagian guru dianggap bukan sesuatu hal yang mudah. Beberapa guru masih terkendala membuat penelitian dan menghasilkan karya tulis ilmiah. Kondisi ini terjadi satuan pendidikan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Surakarta yang saat ini dicanangkan sebagai Madrasah Riset oleh Kementrian Agama. Berdasarkan analisa permasalahan, masih terdapat ketidaksiapan guru khususnya guru bidang studi ilmu-ilmu sosial (Sosiologi, Geografi, Sejarah, Ekonomi) menjalankan tugas pengembangan keprofesionalan. Pengetahuan dan pengalaman tentang pelaksanaan riset sosial dan publikasi ilmiah masih sangat minim. Pengabdian Grup Habitus Pendidikan Sosiologi Antropologi FKIP UNS bekerjasama dengan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 melaksanakan pendampingan penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah bagi guru bidang studi ilmu-ilmu sosial. Pendampingan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk mentoring (berupa workshop) dan coaching (bimbingan individual) oleh tim dosen Grup Riset Habitus. Luaran dari kegiatan ini berupa draft artikel ilmiah siap dipublikasikan, artikel jurnal ber-ISSN, publikasi di media massa cetak/ online, dan video dokumentasi kegiatan.Abstract: The development of teacher professionalism is a top priority regarding education development programs in Indonesia. Several aspects of professionalism include elements of self-development, scientific publications, and innovative works. Creation of scientific work by some teachers is considered not something easy. Some teachers are still constrained by making research and producing scientific papers. This condition occurs in the Surakarta 2nd State Madrasah Aliyah educational unit which is currently designated as a Research Madrasa by the Ministry of Religion. Based on the analysis of the problems, there is still teacher unpreparedness, especially teachers in the social sciences (Sociology, Geography, History, Economics) to carry out professional development tasks. Knowledge and experience regarding the implementation of social research and scientific publications is still very minimal. Habitus Group Service for Sociology Anthropology Education FKIP UNS in collaboration with Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 conducts research assistance and scientific publications for teachers in the field of social studies. Assistance is carried out in the form of mentoring (in the form of workshops) and coaching (individual guidance) by the Habitus Research Group lecturer team. The output of this activity is in the form of ready-to-publish draft scientific articles, journal articles with ISSN, publication in print/online mass media, and video documentation of activities.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info







Journal of Character Education Society (JCES) | ISSN 2614-3666, is one of the devotion journals managed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram and published every January and July. The publication of JCES aims to disseminate conceptual thinking and ...