Jurnal Maritim Indonesia (Indonesian Maritime Journal)


I Gede Jaya Parwatha (Sekolah Staf dan Komando TNI Angkatan Laut jakarta)

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Publish Date
26 Dec 2022


AbstrakSalah satu upaya meningkatkan pertahanan dan keamanan dilaut membutuhkan industri pertahanan nasional yang mandiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Alutsista matra laut. Pertanyaan penelitian (1) Apakan kemampuan Industri pertahanan nasional berpengaruh dalam membangun alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut?. (2) Apakah konsep kerjasama Industri pertahanan nasional matra laut dan dan Industri Pendukung berpengaruh dalam membangun alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut?. (3) Apakah konsep Transfer of Techology (ToT) berpengaruh dalam membangun membangun alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut?. (4) Apakah kebijakan industry pertahanan dalam berpengaruh dalam mendukung alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut. Metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriktif. Hasil Penelitian, (1) Industri pertahanan Nasional sangat berpengaruh dalam membangun alat utama sistem senjata TNI Angkatan Laut, (2) Konsep pengembangan klaster terbagi dua berdasarkan jenis kepemilikannya yaitu industri swasta dengan konsep pengeloalan klaster industri perkapalan. Sedangkan industri BUMN menggunakan konsep Holding Industri National Shipbuilding and Heavy Indrustries. (3) Konsep Transfer of Techology (ToT) berpengaruh dalam membangun membangun alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut. (4) Kerjasama industri pertahanan nasional dan industri pendukung pertahanan nasional memerlukan perubahan regulasi terkait pengelolaan manajemen industri pertahanan. Perubahan tersebut untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah dan produsen industri pertahanan utamanya pertahanan matra laut. Dalam Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2012 Tentang Industri Pertahanan dan Perpres. Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan, ditekankan pemanfaatan industri nasional dalam pemenuhan Alutsista. Sehingga memerlukan pengelolaan menejemen industri pertahanan dengan industri pendukung lainnya.Kata Kunci: Industri Pertahanan Nasional, Kebijakan Industri, Klaster Industri Perkapalan, Transfer of Teknologi (ToT)AbstractOne of the efforts to improve defense and security at sea requires an independent national defense industry to meet the needs of the marine defense system. Research questions (1) Does the ability of the national defense industry have an effect on building the Navy's defense equipment? (2) Does the concept of cooperation between the marine and supporting industries have an effect on building the Navy's defense equipment? (3) Does the concept of Transfer of Technology (ToT) have an effect in building the Navy's defense equipment? (4) Is the defense industry policy influential in supporting the Navy's defense equipment system. Qualitative research methodology with descriptive method. The results of the study, (1) The National Defense Industry is very influential in building the main tools of the Navy's weapon system, (2) The concept of cluster development is divided into two based on the type of ownership, namely private industry with the concept of managing the shipping industry cluster. Meanwhile, the BUMN industry uses the concept of holding the National Shipbuilding and Heavy Industries industry. (3) The concept of Transfer of Technology (ToT) is influential in building the Navy's defense equipment system. (4) Cooperation between the national defense industry and national defense supporting industries requires regulatory changes related to the management of the defense industry. This change is to overcome the problems faced by the government and defense industry producers, especially the defense of the marine dimension. In Law No. 16 of 2012 concerning the Defense Industry and Presidential Regulation.Keywords: National Defense Industry, Industrial Policy, Shipping Industry Cluster, Transfer of Technology (ToT)

Copyrights © 2022

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