Dinamika Kesehatan: Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Dinamika Kesehatan Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan


Dessy Rossiani (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sint Carolus)
Regina Vidya Trias Novita (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sint Carolus)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Jul 2020


Latar Belakang: Angka kematian bayi (AKB) karena infeksi sekitar 20.5%, salah satu penyebabnya karena perawatan tali pusat yang tidak benar. Berbagai macam perawatan tali pusat yaitu kassa betadine, kassa alkohol, kassa kering dan perawatan terbuka.Tujuan: penelitian ini  Bertujuan  untuk mengetahui pengaruh perawatan tali pusat dengan kassa dan terbuka.Metode: Desain penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan pendekatan studi komparasi, uji regresi logistik binari. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September 2014 sampai Januari 2015 dengan total sample yaitu 60 responden, 30 kassa dan 30 terbuka. Kriteria inklusi bayi lahir sehat, tanda vital dalam batas normal dan tidak mengalami komplikasi selama perawatan di RS.Hasil: hasil Penelitian rata-rata pelepasan tali pusat dibawah 7 hari dengan kasaa 76.6% dan terbuka 86.73%.  Hasil uji regresi logistik binary dengan menilai overall fit model Ho diterima dengan hasil signifikan 0,05 yaitu 0,159, Uji koefisien nagelkerke’s R² mengalami penurunan dari hasil data pertama (terbuka) 57,169, data kedua (kassa) 50,414, uji koefisien nilai t signifikan 0,05 yaitu nilai signifikan 0,000. Uji statistik nilai t pada perawatan terbuka 0.000 P value 0.05, sedangkan dengan kassa p value 0,339. Hasil dari β (kassa) -0,691 β (terbuka) 1,494.Simpulan: dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perawatan tali pusat berpengaruh terhadap lama pelepasan tali pusat. Variabel lain yang berpengaruh terhadap lama pelepasan tali pusat adalah berat badan bayi dan jenis kelamin. Usia gestasi dan jenis persalinan tidak berpengaruh terhadap lamanya pelepasan tali pusat. Kesimpulan perawatan tali pusat dengan terbuka sangat direkomendasikan untuk perawatan bayi baru lahir.Kata kunci: Bayi baru lahir dan kassa, Perawatan tali pusat, terbukaAbstractBackground: The infant mortality rate (IMR) due to infection is around 20.5%, one of the causes is due to improper umbilical cord care. Various kinds of cord care are betadine gauze, alcohol gauze, dry gauze, and open treatments.Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of gauze and open cord care.Methods: Quasi-experimental research design with a comparative study approach, binary logistic regression test. The study was conducted from September 2014 to January 2015 with a total sample of 60 respondents, 30 Kassa, and 30 open. The inclusion criteria for babies were born healthy, vital signs were within normal limits, and had no complications during hospitalization.Results: The results showed that the average release of the umbilical cord was under 7 days with 76.6% gauze and 86.73% open. The results of the binary logistic regression test by assessing the overall fit of the Ho model were accepted with significant results 0.05, namely 0.159, the Nagelkerke's R² coefficient test decreased from the results of the first data (open) 57.169, the second data (Kassa) 50.414, the coefficient test t value was significant 0.05, which is a significant value of 0.000. The statistical test of t value in open care was 0.000 P value 0.05, while with a gauze p-value was 0.339. The yield for β (Kassa) -0.691 β (open) 1.494.Conclusion: from the results of the study it can be concluded that umbilical cord care has an effect on the length of time to release the cord. Other variables that affect the length of time to release the umbilical cord are the baby's weight and sex. Gestational age and type of delivery have no effect on the length of time the cord is released. Conclusion Open cord care is highly recommended for the care of newborns.Keywords: newborn and gauze, umbilical cord care, open,

Copyrights © 2020

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Education Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health


The Dinamika Kesehatan Jurnal Kebidanan dan keperawatan is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, disseminating the highest quality research in the field relevant to midwifery and nursing in the form of meta-analyses, research results, literature studies, clinical practice, and case reports/case, ...