IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education)
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): March

Natural Media in Islamic Religious Education ( at Purwakarta Nature School, West Java

Intan Julaikha (Program Studi PAI STAI DR Khez Muttaqien Purwakarta Jawa Barat)
Sovani Rizky Handayani (Program Studi PAI STAI DR Khez Muttaqien Purwakarta Jawa Barat)
Nurul Fadillah (Program Studi PAI STAI DR Khez Muttaqien Purwakarta Jawa Barat)
Hanny Tri Yuniarti (Program Studi PAI STAI DR Khez Muttaqien Purwakarta Jawa Barat)
Usep Setiawan (Program Studi PAI STAI DR Khez Muttaqien Purwakarta Jawa Barat)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Mar 2023


Background of the problem Natural media is very important in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) lessons, the cost is not expensive and easy to get because they are around humans. The purpose of this study was to determine natural media in PAI at SD Alam Purwakarta, West Java. The methodology used is qualitative (narratively) data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that students attract more students' attention so that they can foster learning motivation Learning materials will have a clearer meaning so that they can be better understood by students and make it possible master and achieve learning objectives, so students are not bored students can do more learning activities because they not only listen to the educator's description, but also other activities such as observing, doing, demonstrating, PAI Lessons Faith, Worship, Al-Qur'an, Morals, Muamalah, Syari'ah, and Date/history, and builds IQ, EQ and Spiritual Intelligence for students. SD Alam Purwakarta West Java instills the values ​​of IKROM (Sincere, Kindness, Open Minded) and is strengthened by 4 Pillars which are morals, leadership, knowledge and entrepreneurship, and uses the SASS (Student Scount Natural School) program.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Education Social Sciences Other


IJGIE publishes research paper in the field of: Islamic Education, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Educational Management, Counselling Education, Special Education, and Cross-Border Education in Southeast Asia - Teaching of Islamic Education - Islamic Early Childhood Education - ...