U Karst
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): APRIL


Edy Gardjito (Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kadiri)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Apr 2018


For the data processing process the researcher use help the method ofStepwise Regression Test and Hypothesis Test.The result of this research is very positive influence of concrete quality control factors and the role of project related party influence to the achievement of construction project performance, that is proved by stepwise regression test and hypothesis test where Quality performance (Fi = 21,758> Ft = 2,060), Time performance (Fi = 14,950> Ft = 4,496), Cost performance (Fi = 15,379> Ft = 4,496).For Quality performance is shown: coefficient of determination or R square = 0,876, influencing variable is implementation aspect (x1), and aspects of human resources (x2), with Y1 = 0,285 + 0,148.x1 + 0,071.x2. Related to Time performance: coefficient of determination or R square = 0.537, the variable that influences is monitoring times chedule (x1), with Y2 = 2,166 + 0,415.x1. Related to Cost performance: coefficient of determination or R square = 0.481, the influencing variable is the acceleration of implementation (x1), with Y3 = -0.741 + 0.958.x1. So If the project organizers feel that these variables have been ful filled,then the performance of the resulting construction project will be better too. Keywords: Concrete Quality Control, Quality Performance, Time Performance, Cost Performance, Construction Project Performance. Untuk proses pengolahan data peneliti menggunakan bantuan metode Uji Regresi Bertahap dan Uji Hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini sangat berpengaruh positif terhadap faktor kontrol kualitas beton dan peran pihak terkait proyek terhadap pencapaian kinerja proyek konstruksi, yaitu dibuktikan dengan uji regresi bertahap dan uji hipotesis di mana Kinerja kualitas (Fi = 21.758> Ft = 2.060), Kinerja waktu (Fi = 14.950> Ft = 4.496), Kinerja biaya (Fi = 15.379> Ft = 4.496) .Untuk kinerja yang berkualitas ditampilkan : koefisien determinasi atau R square = 0,876, variabel yang berpengaruh adalah aspek implementasi (x1), dan aspek sumber daya manusia (x2), dengan Y1 = 0,285 + 0,148.x1 + 0,071.x2. Terkait dengan kinerja waktu: koefisien determinasi atau R square = 0,537, variabel yang mempengaruhi adalah waktu pemantauan chedule (x1), dengan Y2 = 2,166 + 0,415.x1. Terkait dengan kinerja Biaya: koefisien determinasi atau R square = 0,481, variabel yang mempengaruhi adalah percepatan implementasi (x1), dengan Y3 = -0,741 + 0,958.x1. Jadi, jika penyelenggara proyek merasa bahwa variabel-variabel ini telah dipenuhi, maka kinerja proyek konstruksi yang dihasilkan akan lebih baik juga. Kata Kunci: Kontrol Kualitas Beton, Kinerja Kualitas, Kinerja Waktu, Kinerja Biaya, Kinerja Proyek Konstruksi.

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture


U KaRsT is a journal of the civil engineering research the University of Kadiri published twice a year in April and November. First published in April 2017. U KaRsT already has both ISSN printed and online, for ISSN (Print) is 2579-4620, and ISSN (Online) is ...