Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati
Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati


Deni Sulistiyanto (Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta)
Sri Muliati Abdullah (Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Mar 2023


AbstrakDalam konteks pendidikan, upaya mewujudkan karir dimulai dari adaptabilitas karir. Namun tingkat relevansi pendidikan kejuruan dengan dunia kerja belum optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan secara stimulant antara kecerdasan emosional dan dukungan sosial keluarga terhadap adaptabilitas karir siswa. Sampel penelitian 90 siswa SMK Negeri 1 “X” kelas XI jurusan Agribisnis Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian yang ditentukan berdasarkan dengan cluster random sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala likert yang teridri dari skala adaptabilitas karir, skala kecerdasan emosi dan skala dukungan sosial keluarga. Analisa data menggunakan teknik regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kecerdasan emosional dan dukungan sosial keluarga terhadap adaptabilitas karir. Sumbangan efektif dari kecerdasan emosional dan dukungan sosial keluarga dalam memprediksi adaptabilitas karir adalah sebesar 62,8%. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan motivasi untuk siswa agar dapat memiliki adaptabilitas karir yang baik, sehingga mampu menyiapkan karirnya demi masa depan yang baik. Kata Kunci: Adaptabilitas Karir Siswa, Kecerdasan Emosiona, Dukungan Sosial Keluarga AbstractIn the context of education, efforts to realize a career start from career adaptability. However, the level of relevance of vocational education to the world of work has not been optimal. This study aims to determine the stimulant relationship between emotional intelligence and family social support on students' career adaptability. The research sample was 90 students of SMK Negeri 1 "X" class XI majoring in Agribusiness Agricultural Product Processing which was determined based on cluster random sampling. The measuring instrument used is a Likert scale consisting of a career adaptability scale, an emotional intelligence scale and a family social support scale. Data analysis using multiple linear regression technique. The results showed that there was a relationship between emotional intelligence and family social support with career adaptability. The effective contribution of emotional intelligence and family social support in predicting career adaptability is 62.8%. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide motivation for students to have good career adaptability, so that they are able to prepare their careers for a good future. Keywords: Student Career Adaptability, Emotional Intelligence, Family Social Support

Copyrights © 2023

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