Science Midwifery
Vol 10 No 4 (2022): October: Science Midwifery

Description of the covid-19 pandemic on community income in Tomuan Dolok village, Simalungun district

Nurmala Dewi Ria Lestari (Efarina University)
Jumadiah Wardati (Efarina University)
Tresia Melianna Simanjuntak (Efarina University)
Novitas Sinaga (Efarina University)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Oct 2022


Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCOV-2) is a virus that attacks system breathing . Disease Because infection with this virus called COVID-19. Objective study This is For know description the covid-19 pandemic against income community in Tomuan Dolok . Design used _ in study This done with descriptive with cross sectional approach , where study This done only on One period certain And taking sample done in very time course , no There is repetition in data collection . From the results of the preliminary survey on residents of Tomuan mountain with give questionnaire about income before And after happening the covid-19 pandemic got that before the occurrence of covid-19 income resident the Still stable , meanwhile after the occurrence of covid-19 income resident the decreased . Results research conducted in the village Tomuan Mountain regency Simalungun , obtained results namely : From the group income res»onden , respondents whose income lower namely 20 people (79.1%) more Lots than class income medium And income top . From respondents argue more covid-19 pandemic many argue _ not enough namely 18 people (79.1 % ) than argue Enough And argue ok . From the results tabulation afternoon between class income respondent And opinion the covid-19 pandemic . that is respondent class income lower more Lots namely 18 people (79.1%) with score less <60. From the results study on expected society still guard health And obey rule during period the covid-19 pandemic .

Copyrights © 2022

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