Teras Jurnal
Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Volume 13 No 1, Maret 2023

Faktor Keterlambatan Proses Pengadaan Tanah Terhadap Pencapaian Kinerja Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) Jaringan Irigasi Aceh

Alfa Taras Bulba (Unknown)
Cut Zukhrina Oktaviani (Universitas Syiah Kuala)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 Mar 2023


Abstrak Pelaksanaan Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) membutuhkan kersediaan luas lahan cukup besar sehingga diperlukan pembebasan lahan. Beberapa penelitian memperlihatkan permasalahan pembebasan lahan yang terus ada dalam pembangunan Infrastruktur. Permasalahan pengadaan tanah secara internal antara lain dana, alokasi penambahan dana, data administrasi tanah, sumber daya manusia, pemahaman Panitia Pengadaan tanah (P2T), koordinasi dan pemilik tanah. Sementara secara ekternal meliputi peraturan, keuangan, harga, status tanah, faktor lingkungan, faktor geografis dan keterlibatan instansi dari luar. Provinsi Aceh dalam beberapa tahun terakhir sedang melaksanakan beberapa PSN diantaranya pembangunan dua jaringan irigasi yaitu Lhok Guci dan Jambo Aye Kanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji dampak proses pengadaan tanah terhadap pencapaian kinerja PSN Jaringan Irigasi Aceh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuisioner terhadap 115 orang responden. Jawaban kuisioner kemudian diolah dengan analisis korelasi. Hasil analisis data diperoleh tiga faktor utama dari proses pengadaan tanah yang berhubungan dengan pencapaian kinerja proyek yaitu sumber daya manusia, koordinasi dan harga. Kata Kunci: Pengadaan tanah, kinerja proyek, keterlambatan, analisis korelasi  Abstract The implementation of the National Strategic Project (PSN) requires the availability of a large enough land area so that land acquisition is required. Several studies show that land acquisition problems continue to exist in infrastructure development. Internal land acquisition issues include funding, allocation of additional funds, land administration data, human resources, understanding of the Land Acquisition Committee (P2T), coordination and land owners. While externally it includes regulations, finance, prices, land status, environmental factors, geographical factors and the involvement of outside agencies. Aceh Province in recent years has been carrying out several PSNs including the construction of two irrigation networks namely Lhok Guci and Jambo Aye Kanan. This research was conducted to examine the impact of the land acquisition process on the performance achievement of the Aceh Irrigation Network PSN. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire to 115 respondents. Questionnaire answers were then processed by correlation analysis. The results of data analysis obtained three main factors of the land acquisition process that are related to the achievement of project performance, namely human resources, coordination and price. Keywords: land acquisition, project performance, delays, correlation analysis

Copyrights © 2023

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Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Engineering Environmental Science


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