eProceedings of Engineering
Vol 5, No 3 (2018): Desember 2018

Evaluasi Performansi Tec (thermoelectric Cooler) Dari Data Teknis Dan Model Dengan Verifikasi Percobaan

Anindya Nur Azizah (Telkom University)
Tri Ayodha Ajiwiguna (Telkom University)
Asep Suhendi (Telkom University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Dec 2018


Abstrak TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler) merupakan sebuah alat yang bekerja mengkonversi energi listrik menjadi suhu berdasarkan efek Peltier. Efek Peltier mengakibatkan salah satu sisi modul menjadi dingin karena ada proses penyerapan kalor dari lingkungan. Sisi modul TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler) menjadi panas maupun dingin tergantung arah aliran listrik. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian nilai kalor yang diserap (Qc) dan COP (Coefficient Of Performance) dari tiga buah modul peltier TEC-12706. Setiap modul diuji secara percobaan, berdasarkan data teknis dan melihat grafik modul dengan suhu sisi panas (Th) dijaga tetap 50°C. Untuk mengetahui modul peltier yang memiliki performa paling bagus, maka hasil pengujian berdasarkan data teknis dan melihat grafik harus diverifiaksi dengan pengujian secara percobaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, modul peltier TEC-12706 (A) memiliki performa paling bagus dengan nilai kesalahan pengujian kalor yang diserap (Qc) dan COP (Coefficient Of Performance) berdasarkan data teknis berturutturut sebesar 0,27% dan 1,6%. Kata Kunci: pendingin termoelektrik, efek peltier, nilai kesalahan. Abstract TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler) is a device that works to convert electrical energy into temperatures based on the Peltier effect. Peltier effect causes one side of the module to cool because there was a heat absorption process from the environment. The side of the TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler) module becomes hot or cold depending on the direction of electricity. In this study, testing the absorbed heat value (Qc) and COP (Coefficient of Performance) was carried out from three Peltier TEC-12706 modules. Each module tested experimentally, based on technical data and looking at the module graph with the heat side temperature (Th) kept 50 ° C. To find out the Peltier module that has the best performance, then the test results based on technical data and see the graph must be verified by trial testing. Based on the results of the research, the TEC-12706 (A) Peltier module has the best performance with the error value of absorbed heat testing (Qc) and COP (Coefficient of Performance) based on technical data of 0.27% and 1.6%, respectively. Keywords: thermoelectric cooler, peltier effect, error value

Copyrights © 2018

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Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


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