eProceedings of Engineering
Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019

Analisis Biaya Perawatan Dengan Metode Cost Of Unreliability (cour) Mesin Tower 4 Untuk Satu Sistem Pasca Perbaikan Di Pt. Xyz

Rizki Suryo Wibowo (Telkom University)
Endang Budiasih (Telkom University)
Aji Pamoso (Telkom University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2019


Abstrak PT.XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memproduksi surat kabar terbesar di Jawa Barat. Setiap harinya perusahaan mampu memproduksi hampir 100000 eksemplar setiap harinya. Untuk memenuhi pesanan koran setiap hari dengan tepat waktu. Salah satu cara untuk memperkecil kerugian yang kemungkinan harus ditanggung oleh perusahaan adalah dengan meningkatkan Reliability dari sistem produksi itu sendiri dan Cost of Unreliability untuk mengetahui seberapa besar biaya yang dihasilkan oleh masalah keandalan mesin. Data berupa Mean Time to Repair, Mean Time to System Failure dan Mean Downtime berguna untuk menilai kinerja sistem yang bekerja. Kemudian akan didapatkan hasil dari Reliability Analysis dari sistem mesin yang diteliti dengan dilakukan permodelan untuk menentukan sistem kritis menggunakan Reliability Block Diagram pada Analytical Approach, pada waktu 78 jam, masingmasing sistem memiliki nilai Reliability 22%, 23% dan 40%. Rata-rata nilai Maintainability masing-masing sistem pada t = 9, t = 6 dan t = 1 adalah 98%, 96% dan 85%. Nilai Inherent Availability setiap sistem adalah 98,530%, 98,135% dan 99,592% dan nilai Operational Availability setiap sistem adalah 99,690%, 99,845 dan 100%. Berdasarkan pada evaluasi yang telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan World Class Maintenance Key Performance Indicator, indikator dari leading dan lagging availability sudah mencapai target indikator yang diberikan. Hasil perhitungan Cost of Unreliability didapatkan biaya dari setiap sistem yang disebabkan oleh ketidakhandalan adalah Rp5.045.527.928, Rp5.128.013.994 dan Rp3.693.237.580 dan berdasarkan active repair time Rp8.364.232.761, Rp10.404.655.551 dan Rp6.017.568.031 berdasarkan pada downtime. Kata kunci: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Cost of Unreliability, World Class Key Performance Indicator, Reliability Block Diagram. Abstract PT.XYZ is one of the largest newspaper producing companies in West Java. Every day the company is able to produce nearly 100,000 copies every day. To fulfill daily newspaper orders on time. One way to minimize the losses that might have to be borne by the company is to increase the reliability of the production system itself and the Cost of Unreliability to find out how much the costs generated by machine reliability problems. The data in the form of Mean Time to Repair, Mean Time to System Failure and Mean Downtime are useful to assess the performance of the system that works.Then the results of the Reliability Analysis of the engine system examined by modeling are performed to determine the critical system using the Analytical Approach Reliability Block Diagram, at 78 hours each system has a Reliability value of 22%, 23% and 40%. The average value of Maintainability of each system at t = 9, t = 6 and t = 1 is 98%, 96% and 85%. The Inherent Availability value of each system is 98,530%, 98,135% and 99.592% and the Operational Availability value of each system is 99,690%, 99,845 and 100%. Based on the evaluation that has been done by using the world class maintenance Key Performance Indicator, indicators from the leading and lagging availability have reached the given indicator target. The result of the Cost of Unreliability calculation shows that the cost of each system caused by unreliability is Rp5.045.527.928, Rp5.128.013.994 and Rp3.693.237.580 and based on active repair time Rp8.364.232.761, Rp10.404.655.551 and Rp6.017.568.031 based on downtime. Keywords: Reliability, Availability & Maintainability, Cost of Unreliability, World Class Key Performance Indicator, Reliability Block Diagram.

Copyrights © 2019

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Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


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