eProceedings of Engineering
Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019

Usulan Kebijakan Maintenance Mesin Fillomatic Rotary Liquid Filler & Capper Menggunakan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance Dengan Pendekatan Integer Programming Di Pt Combiphar

Prima Hutama Putra Abdi (Telkom University)
Judi Alhilman (Telkom University)
Endang Budiasih (Telkom University)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2019


Abstrak PT Combiphar merupakan salah satu perusahaan farmasi terbesar yang ada di Indonesia. Demi mendukung proses produksi perusahaan tersebut membagi lini produksinya ke dalam empat plant. Plant Padalarang menghasilkan produk OBH, Peditok, Scout, Panadol. Plant Cikarang menghasilkan produk Eporon dan Insto. Plant Cimanggis menghasilkan produk Insto dan Aimo. Plant Gersik menghasilkan produk Avta. Salah satunya plant padalarang terdapat dua mesin yang digunakan untuk memproduksi OBH, yaitu Mesin Fillomatic Rotary Filler & Capper Vectra 4012 SB dan Mesin Nastec, namun Mesin Fillomatic Rotary Filler & Capper Vectra 4012 SB merupakan salah mesin yang paling sering mengalami downtime. Downtime yang terjadi disebabkan karena umur mesin yang sudah tua sehingga sering menyebabkan banyak terjadinya kerusakan pada komponen mesin tersebut, selain itu juga mesin tersebut sering tidak memenuhi target availability yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Tidak terpenuhinya target availability mesin itu bisa disebabkan maintenance interval, dan task selection yang kurang tepat atau tidak sesuai. Oleh karena itu untuk berdasarkan data historis dan tingkat urgensi yang tinggi Mesin Fillomatic Rotary Filler & Capper Vectra 4012 SB digunakan sebagai objek penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kebijakan perawatan yang efektif dan maintenance interval yang tepat. RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) digunakan untuk menentukan kebijakan perawatan yang efektif dan maintenance interval yang tepat. RPN digunakan untuk menentukan sistem kritis serta subsistem kritis dan didapatkan sistem kritis yaitu mechanic serta subsistem kritis yaitu conveyor, center plate, capper dan star wheel sehingga penelitian akan berfokus pada keempat subsistem tersebut. Dari hasil perhitungan RCM, didapatkan 10 Scheduled On Condition Task dan 3 Scheduled Restoration Task dengan total biaya maintenance usulan sebesar Rp 13.758.098.719,25,. Untuk mendapatkan biaya maintenance yang optimal dilakukan pendekatan integer programming maka didapat total biaya maintenance usulan sebesar Rp 10.931.720.460,16. Kata Kunci : Integer Programming, Maintenance Interval, Reliability Centered Maintenance Abstract PT Combiphar is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. In order to support the production process of the company split the production line into four of the plant. Plant Padalarang produce products OBH, Peditok, Scout, Panadol. Cikarang Plant produce products Eporon and Insto. Plant Cimanggis produce products Insto and Aimo. Plant Gersik produce products Avta. One plant padalarang there are two machines used for producing OBH, namely Machine Fillomatic Rotary Filler & Capper Vectra 4012 SB and Machine Nastec, but the Engine Fillomatic Rotary Filler & Capper Vectra 4012 SB is the machine that most often experience downtime. The Downtime that occurs due to the lifespan of the machine which are old and often cause a lot of damage to the engine components, in addition to these machines often do not meet the target availability set out by the company. It did not meet the target availability of the machine it could be due to maintenance intervals, and task selection that are less appropriate or not appropriate. Therefore for based on historical data and the level of urgency high Machine Fillomatic Rotary Filler & Capper Vectra 4012 SB is used as the object of research. The purpose of this study is to determine the policy effective care and maintenance appropriate intervals. RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) is used to determine the policy effective care and maintenance appropriate intervals. The RPN is used to determine the critical systems and subsystems critical and achieved a critical system namely the mechanic as well as the critical subsystem that is the conveyor, center plate, capper and star wheel so that the research will focus on the four subsystems. From the results of the calculation of the RCM, obtained 10 Scheduled On Condition Task and 3 Scheduled Restoration Task with the total cost of maintenance of the proposed Rp 13.758.098.719,25,. To get the cost of an optimal maintenance approach of integer programming is then obtained the total cost of maintenance of the proposed Rp 10.931.720.460,16. Keywords : Integer Programming, Maintenance Interval, Reliability Centered Maintenance

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Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


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