Edu Masda Journal
Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Edu Masda Journal Volume 7 Nomor 1


veri veri (Unknown)
Muh Firman Yudiatma (STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang)
Agus Dwi Pranata (STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Apr 2023


Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014 in Southeast Asia, the elderly population over the age of 60 is estimated to be doubled from 12% to 22%. In 2050 it is estimated that the elderly population of 900 million people will increase to 2 billion people. According to Sulistyarini & Santoso in 2016, the prevalence of insomnia in Indonesia in the elderly is relatively high, which is around 67% of the population aged over 65 years. The results of the study found that insomnia was partially experienced by women, namely 78.1% with 60-74 years of age. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of foot massage with lemongrass aromatherapy on reducing insomnia in the elderly. This research method is a quantitative one that uses primary data (questionnaires) and uses a non-probability sampling method with the aim of knowing the effect between the independent variable and the dependent variable, the data collected by using a questionnaire. The number of samples was 30 elderly at the Elderly Posyandu in Kampung Bojong Indah Ciseeng Bogor in 2021. From the results of the study, the elderly experienced insomnia as many as 30 respondents (100%). The results of statistical tests obtained a value (P-Value = 0.000 a = 0.05) so it can be concluded that there is an effect of lemongrass aromatherapy foot massage on reducing insomnia in the elderly. Suggestions from the results of this study are expected as input for the Posyandu for the elderly in Kampung Bojong Indah Ciseeng Bogor to be able to apply foot massage activities to the elderly who experience insomnia.ABSTRAKBerdasarkan data dari World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2014 dikawasan asia tenggara populasi lansia diatas usia 60 tahun di perkirakan menjadi duakali liat dari 12% menjadi 22%. Pada tahun 2050 diperkirakan populasi lansia dari 900 juta jiwa akan bertambah menjadi 2 milyar jiwa. Menurut Sulistyarini & Santoso tahun 2016 pravalensi insomnia di indonesia pada lansia tergolong tinggi yaitu sekitar 67% dari populasi yang berusia diatas 65 tahun. Hasil penelitiandi dapatkan insomnia sebagian dialamai oleh perempuan yaitu sebesar 78.1% dengan usai 60-74 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeahui pengaruh masage kaki aroma terapi sereh terhadap penurunan insomnia pada lansia. Metode penelitian ini merupakan kuantitatif yang mengunakan dat primer (kuesioner) dan memakai metode non probability sampling dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen, data yang dikumpulkan dengan cara menggunakan kuesioner. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 lansia di Posyandu Lansia Kampung Bojong Indah Ciseeng Bogor tahun 2021. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh lansia mengalami insomnia sebanyak 30 responden (100%). Hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai (p-value=0,000 a=0,05) maka dapat di simpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh massage kaki aroma terapi sereh terhadap penurunan insomnia pada lansia. Saran dari hasil penelitian ini di harapkan sebagai bahan masukan untuk Posyandu lansia Kampung bojong Indah Ciseeng Bogor untuk dapat menerapkan kegiatan Masage kaki kepada Lansia yang mengalami insomnia.

Copyrights © 2023

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Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health


Edu Masda Journal is a periodical scientific journal published by STIKes Kharisma Persada. Edu Masda Journal accepts scientific papers in the form of research reports (original article research papers) with focus and scope including Pharmacy, Public Health and Medical Record issues. Edu Masda ...