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Edu Masda Journal
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Core Subject : Health,
Edu Masda Journal is a periodical scientific journal published by STIKes Kharisma Persada. Edu Masda Journal accepts scientific papers in the form of research reports (original article research papers) with focus and scope including Pharmacy, Public Health and Medical Record issues. Edu Masda Journal can be used by health practitioners, health caregivers, teachers, medical students, and people who are interested in pharmacy, public health, and medical record issues. Edu Masda Journal was first published in September 2017 and subsequently published twice a year, in March and September. The Edu Masda Journal is an open access journal, So all published articles are available online through open access.
Articles 121 Documents
Hubungan Mutu Pelayanan Dengan Minat Kunjungan Ulang Pasien Rawat Inap RS Bhineka Bakti Husada Lela Kania Rahsa Puji; Nurwulan Adi Ismaya; Utami Ulfa
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i2.107


In line with regulation No.44 of 2009, explained that one of the hospital's requairements are implement, and maintain quality standards for health services in hospitals as a reference in helping patients. Based on research  May 18, 2019 at the Bhineka Bakti Husada Hospital determine that 96.1% of patients were interested in visiting again if needed health services and 3.9% were not interested in visiting again.research question is correlation between Service Quality and Interest in Revisiting Inpatients at Bhineka Bakti Husada Hospital in 2019. Research purpose is to identify correlation service quality and interest in revisiting inpatient. Method analitic survey cross sectional univariat and bivariate analisys. Technin sampling are total sampling 52 respondent. Result the correlation from the five dimensions of quality of health services (reliability, quality assurance, quality of direct evidence, empathy) are related to interest in revisiting inpatients at Bhineka Bakti Husada Hospital.Keywords:service qulityquality of Hospitalizationinterest patient Re-VisitABSTRAKSejalan dengan peraturan No.44 tahun 2009, dijelaskan bahwa salah satu persyaratan rumah sakit adalah menerapkan, dan mempertahankan standar kualitas untuk layanan kesehatan di rumah sakit sebagai referensi dalam membantu pasien. Berdasarkan penelitian 18 Mei 2019 di Rumah Sakit Bhineka Bakti Husada menentukan bahwa 96,1% pasien tertarik untuk berkunjung lagi jika membutuhkan layanan kesehatan dan 3,9% tidak tertarik mengunjungi lagi. di Rumah Sakit Bhineka Bakti Husada pada tahun 2019. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kualitas layanan  minat dalam mengunjungi kembali pasien rawat inap. Metode survei analitik cross sectional dengan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling 52 responden. Hasil korelasi dari lima dimensi kualitas layanan kesehatan (keandalan, jaminan kualitas, kualitas bukti langsung, empati) ada hubungan dengan minat mengunjungi kembali pasien rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Bhineka Bakti Husada.Kata Kunci:Mutu pelayananMutu rawat inapKunjungan ulang pasien
Hubungan Penggunaan Gadget dengan Kejadian Insomnia Pada Siswa Siswi Kelas X SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan Lela Kania Rahsa Puji; Sigit Probowani
Edu Masda Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Edu Masda Journal Volume 3 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v3i1.30


One of the causes of insomnia in adolescents is most often caused by habit factors such as adolescent lifestyles who are hungry for technology especially use of gadgets. This study aims to determine the relationship of use of gadgets with the incidence of insomnia in adolescents class X in SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang Selatan. This study used correlation study with cross sectional time approach. Research respondents are 103 respondents of all students of grade X SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan using proportional stratified random sampling technique. The intensity of gadget usage was measured by the reliability value questionnaire of 0.862 and insomnia was measured by the reliability value questionnaire of 0.769. Data analysis using Chi Square . Result of data analysis with Chi Square  with p value of 0.000 (p <0,05), showed that there was no correlation between intensity of use of gadgets with insomnia in adolescent in SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan.
Efektivitas Penggunaan Obat Asma Bronkial Dalam Menormalkan Nilai Hemoglobin Darah, Frekuensi Pernafasan dan Denyut Nadi Nur Hasanah; Nazla Nazla
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.56


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by episodic wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest due to obstruction of the respiratory tract which can be characterized by an excessive response from the trachea and bronchi to various stimuli. Bronchial Asthma at the Outpatient Installation Bhineka Bakti Husada Hospital for the period April - June 2018. This research is a descriptive non-experimental study. The method of collecting data retrospectively by looking at the source of Bronchial Asthma patient medical record data. The number of patients analyzed was 45 patients who met the inclusion criteria, namely having a diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma and therapy using drugs. Broccial asthma patients consisted of 30 (66.7%) female patients and 15 (33.3%) male patients. The most diagnosed patients with asthma in the age range of youth (18-45 years) as many as 35 patients. The drugs used are bronchodilator and corticosteroid groups. Salbutamol which is included in the sympathomimetic group is the most effective drug in normalizing the patient's Hb value. Methyl prednisolone included in the cortkosteroid group is the most effective drug in normalizing the respiratory frequency (tachypnea) and tachycardia values to normal.
Rapid Survey Perilaku Merokok Pada Remaja di Kota Tangerang Selatan Fenita Purnama Sari Indah
Edu Masda Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Edu Masda Journal Volume 2 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v2i2.21


ABSTRAK Di Indonesia, lebih dari sepertiga atau 36,3 persen penduduk Indonesia saat ini menjadi perokok, bahkan 20 persen remaja usia 13-15 tahun adalah perokok. Saat ini, remaja laki-laki yang merokok kian meningkat. Data pada tahun 2016 memperlihatkan peningkatan jumlah perokok remaja laki-laki mencapai 58,8 persen. Kebiasaan merokok di Indonesia telah membunuh setidaknya 235 ribu jiwa setiap tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada remaja di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan metode penelitian survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel yang didapat sebanyak 219 remaja. Sebab penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rapid Survey (Survei Cepat) dengan kriteria sampel sebanyak 210 sampai 300 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang rokok dengan perilaku merokok (p value  = 0,046), terdapat hubungan antara sikap tentang merokok dengan perilaku merokok (p value  = 0,000), terdapat hubungan antara lingkungan sosial dengan perilaku merokok (p value  = 0,000), dan terdapat hubungan antara peran petugas kesehatan dengan perilaku merokok (p value  = 0,046). Kata Kunci            : Rapid Survey, Perilaku Merokok, Remaja  ABSTRACT  In Indonesia, more than a third or 36.3 percent of Indonesia's population are currently smokers, even 20 percent of adolescents aged 13-15 are smokers. Today, male adolescents who smoke are increasing. Data in 2016 showed an increase in the number of male smokers reaching 58.8 percent. Smoking habits in Indonesia have killed at least 235 thousand people every year. The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to smoking behavior in adolescents in South Tangerang City. This research is a quantitative research, using analytical survey research method with cross sectional approach. The number of samples obtained were 219 teenagers. Because this study uses the Rapid Survey method with a sample criteria of 210 to 300 respondents. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between knowledge about smoking and smoking behavior (p value = 0.046), there is a relationship between attitudes about smoking and smoking behavior (p value = 0,000), there is a relationship between social environment and smoking behavior (p value = 0,000 ), and there is a relationship between the role of health workers with smoking behavior (p value = 0.046).Keywords              : Rapid Survey, Smoking Behavior, teenagers
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kamboja (Plumeria Sp) Terhadap Bakteri Escherichia coli Secara In Vitro Susanti Erikania; Yetty Hariningsih
Edu Masda Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Edu Masda Journal Volume 1 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v1i1.45


Tanaman obat menjadi sumber utama ditemukannya senyawa kimia baru yang memiliki khasiat secara farmakologi, salah satunya adalah tanaman kamboja (Plumeria sp). Tanaman kamboja adalah salah satu tanaman tradisional yang dilaporkan mempunyai berbagai khasiat, antara lain daunnya sebagai pencahar, antigatal dan antibakteri, buah dan kulit batangnya dilaporkan berefek antiinflamasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  mengetahui aktivitas daun kamboja sebagai antibakteri terhadap Escherichia coli secara in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode difusi cakram dengan 5 kelompok perlakuan meliputi kontrol negatif yaitu DMSO dengan konsentrasi 10 %, kontrol positif yaitu kloramfenikol konsentrasi 30 µg/disk dan ekstrak etanol daun kamboja (Plumeria sp) masing-masing sebesar 25 %, 50 % dan 100 %. Media yang digunakan adalah media nutrient agar (NA). Media steril yang telah diinokulasi dengan Escherichia coli selanjutnya diberi perlakuan dengan kertas cakram yang terdiri dari kontrol negatif, kontrol positif dan sampel, kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu 37°C selama 24 jam. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran zona hambat menggunakan jangka sorong. Penelitian menunjukkan adanya zona hambat pada kelompok perlakuan ekstrak etanol daun kamboja  pada konsentrasi 25%, 50%, 100 % dan kontrol positif, dan tidak tedapat zona hambat pada kelompok perlakuan dengan kontrol negatif. Ekstrak etanol daun kamboja mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Escherichia coli dengan daya hambat minimal adalah konsentrasi 25% yaitu menghasilkan zona hambat sebesar 7,13 mm, konsentrasi 50 % menghasilkan zona hambat sebesar 10,17 mm dan konsentrasi 100% memiliki nilai zona hambat paling besar yaitu 14,50 mm. Kata Kunci            : Ekstrak etanol daun kamboja, Metode difusi cakram,  Streptococcus mutans, Uji aktivitas antibakteri ABSTRACTMedicinal plants are the main source of the discovery of new chemical compounds that have pharmacological properties, one of which is frangipani (Plumeria sp). Frangipani plants are one of the traditional plants that are reported to have various benefits, including laxative, and antibacterial leaves, fruit and bark reported to have anti-inflammatory effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the activity of frangipani leaves as an antibacterial against Escherichia coli in vitro. This study uses a disk diffusion method with 5 treatment groups including negative control, namely DMSO with a concentration of 10%, positive control that is chloramphenicol concentration of 30 µg / disk and ethanol extract of frangipani leaves (Plumeria sp) each by 25%, 50% and 100% . The media used is nutrient agar (NA). Sterile media that have been inoculated with Escherichia coli are then treated with disc paper consisting of negative controls, positive controls and samples, then incubated at 37 ° C for 24 hours. Furthermore, inhibition zone measurements were made using calipers. The study showed that there were inhibitory zones in the treatment group of frangipani leaf ethanol extract at concentrations of 25%, 50%, 100% and positive control, and there were no inhibitory zones in the treatment group with negative controls. Ethanol extract of frangipani leaves can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 25% which produces a inhibition zone of 7.13 mm, a concentration of 50% produces an inhibitory zone of 10.17 mm and a concentration of 100% has the greatest inhibition zone value of 14 50 mm. Keywords: Frangipani leaf ethanol extract, Disc diffusion method, Streptococcus mutans, activity test antibacterial
Efektivitas Pemberian Obat Tuberkulosis Pada Pasien Perempuan Dewasa Rawat Jalan Di Rumah Sakit Islam Asshobirin Tahun 2016 Nur Hasanah
Edu Masda Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Edu Masda Journal Volume 2 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v2i1.11


ABSTRAKTuberkulosis (TB) adalah salah satu penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbaditas di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas pemberian obat pada pasien tuberculosis terhadap jumlah bakteri penyebab TB (Micobacterium tuberculosis) dan laju endap darah passien. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan pengambilan data dilakukan secara retrospektif dari catatan medis pasien yang terdiagnosa tuberkolosis pada instalasi di rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Islam Asshobirin periode Januari-Desember 2016. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel yang diambil pada penelitian ini adalah pasien perempuan dengan jumlah pasien sebanyak 40 pasien. Hasil penelitian menunjukan  bahwa persentase penggunaan obat tuberkulosis di Rumah Sakit Islam Asshobirin selama tahun 2016 adalah Rifampisin sebanyak 30,77%, Isoniazid 30,77%, Etambutol 22,11%, Pirazinamid 16,35%. Efektivitas obat Tuberkulosis berdasarkan penurunan jumlah Micobacterium tuberculosis, pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Rifampisin mampu menurunkan jumlah bakteri sebanyak 196cfu/ml, Isoniazid 213 cfu/ml, Etambutol 311 cfu/ml, Pirazinamid 218 cfu/ml. Sedangkan efektivitas obat Tuberkulosis berdasarkan kemampuan menurunkan laju endap darah (LED) menunjukkan bahwa Rifampisin mampu menurunkan LED sebesar 46.5 mm/jam, Isoniazid 42.3 mm/jam, Etambutol 49.5 mm/jam, Pirazinamid 48,5 mm/jam.  Obat TB yang paling efektif menurunkan jumlah Micobacterium tuberculosis dan laju endap darah adalah Etambutol.Kata Kunci: Tuberkulosis, TB Paru, LED, Obat TB ABSTRACTTuberculosis (TB) is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of drug administration in tuberculosis patients based on the number of TB-causing bacteria (Micobacterium tuberculosis) and patients’s blood rate. This study is descriptive and retrospective data retrieval from medical records of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis at an outpatient installation of Asshobirin Islamic Hospital from January to December 2016. The data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive method. Samples taken in this study were female patients with a total of 40 patients. The results showed that the percentage of tuberculosis drug use at Asshobirin Islam Hospital during 2016 was Rifampin as much as 30.77%, Isoniazid 30,77%, Etambutol 22,11%, Pirazinamid 16,35%. The effectiveness of Tuberculosis drug based on decreasing number of Micobacterium tuberculosis, in this study showed that Rifampicin able to reduce the number of bacteria as much as 196 cfu/ml, Isoniazide 213 cfu/ml, Ethambutol 311 cfu/ml, Pyazinamide 218 cfu / ml. While the efficacy of tuberculosis drugs based on the ability to decrease the blood sedimentation rate (BSR) showed that Rifampicin able to reduce the BSR by 46.5 mm/hour, Isoniazide 42.3 mm/hour, Ethambutol 49.5 mm/hour, Pirazinamide 48.5 mm/hour. The most effective TB drugs decreased the number of Micobacterium tuberculosis and the rate of sedimentation of blood was Ethambutol.Keywords: Tuberculosis, Pulmonary TB, BSR, TB Drug
Determinant Faktor Keberhasilan Toilet Training Pada Anak Toddler Di Rw 002 Perumahan Sinar Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan Rita Dwi Pratiwi
Edu Masda Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Edu Masda Journal Volume 5 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v5i1.112


Toilet training is an attempt to train children to be able to control bowel movement (BAB) or urinate (BAK). Toilet training can be done in the child's independence phase, which usually begins at the age of 18-36 months. The objective of this research was to recognize whether there is any correlation between the level of knowledge of mothers just given counseling, on her attitude in the implementation of the toilet training and keep participating actively in toilet training on all children aged 18 -36 months in 002 Hamlet, the Sinar Pamulang Housing Regency, South Tangerang. This study used a quantitative method. It used children to commit an analytic design with the cross-sectional approach, the number of the sample was 61 significant proportion of respondents, with a purposive sampling method, and used a questionnaire to prove data collection. The result of this research obtained there was a correlation knowledge of mothers with their attitude about toilet training (p value 0,000), knowledge of mothers for the implementation of the toilet training (p value 0,000), knowledge of mothers for the success of toilet training (p value 0,002), attitudes of the mother with the implementation of the toilet training (p value 0,017), attitudes of the mothers with the success of toilet training (p value 0,004), consistency of participating actively in the implementation of the toilet training (p value 0,000). The fit and proper test of logistic regression showed that the dependent variable for which the most influence to successful toilet training is the implementation of the mother toilet training (p value 0,011) with a value of up (persons of very = 5,73). The results of this study can be a consideration for educational institutions, especially for students in the effort to optimize the growth of children by disseminating information about mother's knowledge, mother's attitudes, implementation, and success of toilet training.
Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotik Profilaksis Cefazolin Pada Pasien Operasi di Rumah Sakit Premier Bintaro Humaira Fadhilah; Nurul Chasanah; Ridwan Ruswendi
Edu Masda Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Edu Masda Journal Volume 3 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v3i2.35


 Prophylactic antibiotics are antibiotic used by patients who have not been infected but are thought to have the chance to get an infection or if an infection will have an adverse effect on the patient. The use of prophylactic antibiotics is needed because it is proven to prevent or reduce the incidence of infection. Inaccurate selection of antibiotic, indication, dosage, time of administration, duration of administration, and route of administration causes inappropriate treatment infections with antibiotic. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of prophylactic antibiotics cefazolin in surgical patients at the premier bintaro hospital in the period of july – December 2017. This study is non experimental with retrospective data collection and analyzed with quantitative descriptive. This research was carried out at premier bintaro hospital from april until may. Samples were taken by purposive sampling method. Samples are medical record of surgery patients who use cefazolin as prophylactic antibiotic, with 231 samples. Data collection instrument uses a checklist of accuracy of the use prophylactic antibiotic filled by researcher. The result showed the highest presentation of the age patients was adult age (18-40 ) year is 45,9%, right indication of the use 100%, right dosis 99,1%, right time administration 77,5%, right duration administration 93,5%, and right route administration 100 %. The conclusion of this study is stil inaccuracies in the administration of prophylactic antibiotic cefazolin in surgical patients in term of dosage, time of administration, and duration of administration.
Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Terhadap Pelayanan Kefarmasian Di Instalasi Farmasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Bhineka Bakti Husada Humaira Fadhilah; Nurlita Nurlita; Ida Listiana
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i2.103


Pharmacy service in the hospital must be prioritised to patient safety which is based on the paradigm of patient oriented, where pharmacist has a role not only focusing on medicine but also on patients. The good quality of pharmacy service can be seen from patients satisfaction. The objective of this research is to determine patient satisfactions level of outpatient pharmacy installation in Bhineka Bakti Husada Hosiptal. The research used non-experimental research design by descriptive. The number of sampel taken in this research was 100 respondent. The patients satisfactions level was calculated by the result of questionnaires which assessed from 5 dimentions. The satisfactions level analysis was conducted through calculation on the average of performance and expectancy.The research showed that deployment of service given in the installation pharmacy outpatient Bhineka Bakti Husada Hospital with level of conformity satisfaction and expectations > 75% of dimensions 91,6% reliability, 91,5% responsiveness, 92,57% assurance, 89,68% emphaty and 90,27% tangible. The results of this research show that patients are satisfied with the service provided in the installation  pharmacy outpatient Bhineka Bakti Husada Hospital.
Waktu Tunggu Pelayanan Resep Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2018 Humaira Fadhilah; Devi Novita Indriyani; Riris Andriati
Edu Masda Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Edu Masda Journal Volume 3 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v3i1.26


 One of the pharmaceutical care standard in hospital is waiting time. The prescribed service waiting time is the time period under which the prescription begins to be delivered by the patient to the patient receiving the drug. The purpose of this research is to know the waiting time of prescription service at Pharmaceutical Installation of South Tangerang City General Hospital compared with minimum service standard of Hospital based on Health Minister Decree No. 129 / MenkesSK / II / 2008. This research is descriptive research, the researcher only make observation to prescription service waiting time. The research was conducted in Pharmaceutical Installation RSU South Tangerang City in March 2018. The sample in this research is recipe served from outpatient in march 2018. Sampling technique in this research is total sampling. The sample obtained 129 consisting of 97 non-prescribed recipes and 32 prescription recipes. From this study, the average total waiting time of prescription service was 48.37 minutes for non-prescribed recipes and 173.38 minutes for prescription recipe. The average waiting time for non-prescribed and concocted prescription services did not meet the minimum hospital service standards pursuant to Kepmenkes RI. 129 of 2008.

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