Menara Perkebunan
Vol. 76 No. 2: Desember 2008

Produksi dan kualitas jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) pada beberapa konsentrasi limbah sludge pabrik kertas Production and quality of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on selected concentration of sludge of paper industry

Happy WIDIASTUTI (Unknown)
. TRI-PANJI (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Mar 2016


Summary An experiment has been conducted to study the effect of sludge concentration,  waste of paper industry using raw material of recycled paper, as media on oyster mushroom production and quality. Twelve treatment tested are combination of two oyster mushroom strains are oyster mushroom of Bogor (JTB) and oyster mushroom of Taiwan (JTT), three media composition (sawdust, sludge, and sawdust+ sludge (50/50, v/v), and two levels of supplement addition (with rice bran+gypsum+ lime and without) with 10 replications. The production of the  mushroom was conducted  in bag log capacity of 1 kg fresh weight (water content 50%). The result showed that sludge can be used as mixture of oyster mushroom production with the composition 50:50 v/v of sawdust and sludge. Since the higher number of contamination, addition of supplement reduce oyster mushroom production as well as biological efficiency, but increased protein content of fruiting body. The content of Cd, and Pb were below the permissible limits, Cu was higher than the limits but still in the range. The Fe content of mushroom fruit body was higher both in sawdust (147.92 – 149.56 ppm) and sawdust+sludge (295.82 – 335.12 ppm) as media. However, the uptake of Fe of JTT was less (49.08-59.64 ppm) compared to that of JTB (147.92-335.12 ppm).Ringkasan Penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi sludge limbah pabrik kertas berbahan baku karton bekas sebagai medium terhadap produksi dan kualitas jamur tiram. Dua belas perlakuan yang diuji merupakan kombinasi dua galur jamur tiram, yaitu Jamur Tiram Bogor (JTB) dan Jamur Tiram Taiwan (JTT), tiga jenis komposisi medium (serbuk gergaji, sludge, dan sludge+ serbuk gergaji), dan dua tingkat suplemen (dengan dan tanpa) yang diulang 10 kali untuk masing-masing perlakuan. Produksi jamur tiram dilakukan menggunakan bag log  berkapasitas 1 kg basah (kadar air 50%). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sludge dapat digunakan sebagai campuran serbuk gergaji dalam produksi jamur tiram dengan per-bandingan 50:50 (v/v). Pemberian suplemen menurunkan produksi jamur tiram demikian pula efisiensi biologi namun meningkatkan kadar protein tubuh buah. Di dalam tubuh buah JTB, kandungan logam Cd, dan Pb berada di bawah batas yang diijinkan, sedangkan kandungan Cu di atas ambang walaupun masih dalam kisaran. Kandungan  Fe dalam tubuh buah jamur relatif tinggi baik yang ditumbuhkan pada serbuk gergaji sebagai medium standar (147,92 - 149,56 ppm) maupun yang ditumbuhkan pada medium campuran sludge+serbuk gergaji (295,82 - 335,12 ppm). Serapan Fe tubuh buah JTT jauh lebih rendah (49,08- 59,64 ppm) dibandingkan dengan serapan Fe JTB (147,92-335,12 ppm).  

Copyrights © 2008

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


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