Jurnal Sehat Mandiri
Vol 18 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Sehat Mandiri, Volume 18, No.1 Juni 2023

Model Kepercayaan Kesehatan terhadap Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Kota Padang

Erick Zicof (Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang)
Rahmi Hidayanti (Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang)
Darwel Darwel (Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang)
Erika Erika (Universitas Riau)
Elva Idriani (Dinas Kesehatan Kota Padang)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Jun 2023


Padang has the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in West Sumatera on 2021 as 18.328 with 334 deaths. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a behavioral theory that seeks to explain healthy behavior by focusing on individual attitudes and beliefs. HBM is usually used to predict preventive behavior on disease prevention or health problems which considered priority, such as the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between perceptions of vulnerability, severity, benefits, barriers and self-efficacy on the behavior of preventing COVID-19 transmission. The research method used is a cross-sectional approach with the number of research subjects as many as 100 samples. The research was implemented on April-October 2022. Data was collected using the fixed exposure sampling method with a ratio of cases and controls, namely 1:1. In COVID-19 prevention, it is obtained that there is a direct relationship between perceived seriousness with risk logit of 0.72 (p-value = 0.001), self-efficacy with risk logit of 0.14 (p-value = 0.035) and perception of vulnerability with risk logit of 0.10 (p-value = 0.005). while factors that are not directly related are the perception of barriers with a risk logit of 0.17 (p-value = 0.041) and the perception of benefits with a risk logit of 0.25 (p-value = 0.006). It is suggested to develop education related to the seriousness and severity of being infected with COVID-19.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Environmental Science Public Health


Call for paper jurnal sehat mandiri edisi Juni 2022 dengan focus dan scope : Ilmu-ilmu Kebidanan, Ilmu Kesehatan Lingkungan, Ilmu Keperawatan, Ilmu Gizi, Ilmu Keperawatan Gigi dan Ilmu Promosi Kesehatan, Kedokteran, Farmasi, Analisis Kesehatan, Fisioterapi, Elektromedik, Rekam Medik, Keselamatan dan ...