Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro
Jetri, Volume 21, Nomor 1, Agustus 2023

Sistem Hash Password dan Enkripsi AES-256 pada Website Rekam Medis Elektronik

Muhamad Misbahudin Sobirin (a:1:{s:5:"en_US"
s:25:"Politeknik Negeri jakarta"

Asri Wulandari (Politeknik Negeri Jakarta)
Riza Adi Pratama (Politeknik Negeri Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Sep 2023


The rapid advancement of Information Technology demands efficient data management, especially within hospital settings to provide optimal services. Medical records play a crucial role in this context, encompassing patient health information stored by healthcare professionals. The transition towards electronic-based medical records is a prevailing trend, albeit accompanied by concerns regarding data security risks. Therefore, this study aims to implement a medical record data management system with a security approach that includes a password hashing system and AES-256 encryption. This research aims to design a password hashing system, encryption-decryption mechanism, and analyze the security level of password hashing against brute force attacks. The methodology focuses on utilizing the bcrypt algorithm for password hashing and the AES-256 algorithm for medical record data encryption. Test results indicate that the password hashing system utilizing the bcrypt algorithm generates secure hashes, and the AES-256 encryption system successfully encrypts medical record data with a 100% success rate. Brute force testing proves the effectiveness of the bcrypt algorithm in safeguarding password hash values. This research confirms that the implementation of password hashing and AES-256 encryption provides a robust layer of security in electronic medical record systems, supporting the transition towards safer and more efficient data management.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy


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