Jurnal Pencerahan
Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Maret 2015


Syabuddin Gade (Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Mar 2015


This study - through content and descriptive analyses - seeks to explore Ibn Jama'ah thought about his ethical code educators in Tazkirah al-Sami'. To that end, the book Tazkirah al-Sami' will be discussed in depth. The study obtained that the code of ethics educators in Tazkirah al-Sami' generally consists of three categories, namely; The first, code of personal ethics educator, consists of 12 chapters sequentially explain the relationship between educator and God (verse 3); glorify science (3 verses); ascetic (4 verses); the use of science (paragraph 2); away from the action and place reprehensible (fourth paragraph); implement and support the symbols of religion (4th paragraph); maintaining practice sunnat (4 verses); norms of social interaction (paragraph 13); purify themselves of bad moral character and cultivate commendable (second paragraph); the deepening of knowledge (paragraph 6); learn from the juniors (second paragraph); and write (4 verses). Second, the code of ethics educators in teaching, which consists of twelve chapters sequentially explained about: preparation before teaching (3rd paragraph), praying and teaching behavior (paragraph 7), classroom management (paragraph 5), the initial act of teaching (4 verses ), hierarchy  and transfer of knowledge (paragraph 6), voice teacher and an opportunity to ask (third paragraph), the function of discussion in Majlis (fourth paragraph), the role of educators in the discussion (paragraph 3); fair, intelligent and fair (paragraph 6), an appreciation of non-regular students (second paragraph), the cover learning (6 verses) and professional (third paragraph). Third, codes of conduct interaction with the student teachers, which consists of fourteen chapters, each associated with; the purpose of teaching (verse 9); directing learning objectives (3 verses); motivator (paragraph 6); treat students like their own children (4 verses); attention to student ability and openness delivery of science (4 verses); earnest and convincing (fourth paragraph); ability test (paragraph 5); reward, motivation and learning groups (paragraph 3); the intensity and scale of learning priorities (paragraph 3); learning resources (paragraph 4); to be fair and considerate (4 verses); monitoring and warning (paragraph 5); moral and material support (paragraph 6); humble and meek (fourth paragraph).

Copyrights © 2015

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Arts Humanities Education Social Sciences


Jurnal Pencerahan adalah jurnal bidang pendidikan yang meliputi semua aspek pendidikan pada semua tingkatan pendidikan baik formal maupun non formal. Jurnal ini diterbitkan bersama oleh Majelis Pendidikan Daerah (MPD) Aceh dan Universitas Syiah Kuala, terbit dua nomor setiap tahun pada tiap Bulan ...