Sinkron : Jurnal dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Research Article, Volume 8 Issue 2 April, 2023

Analysis of Public Interest in Telkomsel Cards Using the Decision Tree Method

Putri Talia Cantika (Universitas Labuhanbatu)
Gomal Juni Yanris (Universitas Labuhanbatu)
Mila Nirmala Sari Hasibuan (Universitas Labuhanbatu)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 May 2023


SIM card (Subscriber Identification Module) card is a physical electronic device that is the integrated circuit of the internet. Sim cards are used by the public as a place to store quotas for internet, phone calls and SMS. There are many types of SIM cards that are used by the public, such as Telkomsel cards, XL cards, Exis cards and Smartfren cards. There are some people who are interested and use Telkomsel cards, because the network is good. But there are some people who don't use Telkomsel cards, because the quota price is quite expensive. Therefore, the Penlus will make research about people's interest in Telkomsel cards. This study aims to determine the amount of public interest in the Telkomsel card. To conduct this research, the authors used 42 community data which would be classified using the decision tree method. The data used by the author was obtained by distributing a questionnaire to the public. After classifying using the decision tree method, the result is that the people who are interested in the Telkomsel card are 33 people who are interested in the Telkomsel card (for the representation results it is 78.5%) and the results obtained are that the people who are not interested in the Telkomsel card are 9 people (for its representation results of 21.4%). From the results of the study, many people are interested in Telkomsel cards, even though the internet, call and SMS quota prices are quite expensive.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT


Scope of SinkrOns Scientific Discussion 1. Machine Learning 2. Cryptography 3. Steganography 4. Digital Image Processing 5. Networking 6. Security 7. Algorithm and Programming 8. Computer Vision 9. Troubleshooting 10. Internet and E-Commerce 11. Artificial Intelligence 12. Data Mining 13. Artificial ...