Jurnal Riset Akuakultur
Vol 17, No 3 (2022): (September) 2022


Sunarti Yusuf (Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Cokroaminoto Makassar, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245. Indonesia)
Andi Dyna Riana (Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Cokroaminoto Makassar, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245. Indonesia.)
Akbar Marzuki Tahya (Aquaculture, Department of Fisheries and Marine Science, Tadulako University, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.)
Ruqayyah Djamaluddin (Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Cokroaminoto Makassar, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90245. Indonesia.)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Jul 2023


Penggunaan bahan aditif dari produk limbah pertanian pada pakan ikan adalah salah satu solusi untuk menekan tingginya biaya pakan di system budidaya ikan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat potensi pemberian tepung kulit pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca) yang difermentasi ragi roti Saccharomyces cerevisiae sebagai feed additive pada benih ikan nila. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kulit pisang kepok matang yang difermentasi dengan S. cerevisiae. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah benih ikan nila dengan bobot 2-3 g. Hewan uji diberi pakan tiga kali sehari menggunakan pakan yang mengandung tepung kulit pisang terfermentasi sesuai perlakuan yaitu A (0%), B (10%), C (15%), dan D (20%) sebanyak 5% dari bobot tubuh. Parameter yang diamati meliputi perubahan nutrisi pada kulit pisang kepok yang difermentasi, kelangsungan hidup, dan laju pertumbuhan mutlak benih ikan nila.  Hasil analisis proksimat pada fermentasi kulit pisang menunjukkan perubahan pada semua komponen nutrisi yang diamati meliputi nilai kandungan air yang relatif konstan pada semua hari, kadar abu mengalami sedikit peningkatan dari 0,910% menjadi 1,103%, kandungan lemak mengalami penurunan dari 1,265% menjadi  0,766%, kandungan protein mengalami peningkatan di hari pertama yaitu 13,304%, dan karbohidrat mengalami fluktuasi hingga mengalami penurunan drastis hari pertama kemudian cenderung mengalami peningkatan pada hari ke-4 hingga ke-5. Tingkat pertumbuhan mutlak, feed conversion ratio, dan efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan memperlihatkan nilai yang tidak berbeda nyata pada semua perlakuan (P>0,05). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kandungan nutrisi pada pakan buatan mampu mencukupi kebutuhan benih ikan nila untuk melakukan pertumbuhan tetapi penambahan kulit pisang kepok yang difermentasi dengan S. cerevisiae tidak menunjukkan dampak yang signifikan pada benih ikan nila.The application of agricultural by-products as fish feed additives is one of the environmentally-friendly solutions to reduce the cost of feed in aquaculture. The purpose of the research was to examine the potential usage of banana peel flour from Musa paradisiaca fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a feed additive for farmed tilapia fish. The treatments were the addition of different amounts of matured banana peels flour fermented with S. Cerevisiae in the feed, i.e., treatment A (0%), B (10%), C (15%) and D (20%). Other ingredients in the feed were maintained at constant proportions. The test animals used were tilapia fish fries weighing 2-3 g. The test animals were fed with the feed treatments at 5% of body weight three times a day. The parameters observed included changes in nutritional values of the fermented banana peel flour and the survival rate and absolute growth rate of tilapia fry. The proximate analysis of the fermented banana peels showed value changes in all observed nutrient components, including a slight increase in ash content from 0.910% to 1.103%, a decrease in fat content from 1.265% to 0.766%, an increase in protein content in the first day, i.e., 13.304%, and fluctuations in carbohydrate content which exhibited a drastic decrease on the first day and then tended to increase in the fourth and fifth days. Only water content values showed a relatively constant value on all days. The absolute growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and feed utilization efficiency showed no significant difference in all treatments (P>0.05). This study concludes that the overall nutrient content in the artificial feed is sufficient to meet the growth development of tilapia fry. Despite that, there was no significant growth improvement of tilapia fry due to the addition of fermented banana peels with S. cerevisiae.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Environmental Science


Jurnal Riset Akuakultur as source of information in the form of the results of research and scientific review (review) in the field of various aquaculture disciplines include genetics and reproduction, biotechnology, nutrition and feed, fish health and the environment, and land resources in ...