Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia
Vol 3, No 2 (2014)

Uji Sensitivitas Sel Punca Mesenkimal dari Sumsum Tulang Mencit (Mus Musculus) Terhadap Poliovirus Tipe-1

Noviantari, Ariyani ( Basic Technology Center for Biomedical and Health, National Institute of Health and Research and Development)
Febriyani, Asri ( Basic Technology Center for Biomedical and Health, National Institute of Health and Research and Development)

Article Info

Publish Date
13 Aug 2015


A diagnostic technique of Polioviruses based on WHO guidelines still utilized RD and L20B cell lines, yet has limitations regarding simultaneous use of both cell line. Previous studies showed that Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) from chicken lungs and bone marrow from chicken, pig and human were prone to viral replication. Research was conducted atStem Cell Laboratory and Polio Laboratory, Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health, NIHRD, MoH, from March to October 2013. This research was a preliminary study of developing MSCs line from bone marrow of femur and tibia of mice as a cellular model for diagnosing poliovirus.Tissue Culture Infective Dose50%(TCID50) was used to measure titration ofpoliovirus serotype 1 performed on MSCs, RD and L20B cell line. The result showed, on day 7, CPEs was observed in RD and L20B cell, but not in mice MSCs. TCID50in 6thpassageon RD cell line was8,19 ± 0,19 and on L20B was 7,44 ± 0,09TCID50/ml. Mice MSCs were not susceptible to polioviruses since they do not have the same poliovirus receptors as humans have (hPVR, CD155). Need further testing to determine the ability of susceptibility MSC derived from primates or humans.Keywords : Mice mesenchymal stem cell, Succeptibility, Poliovirus AbstrakMetode diagnostik Poliovirus rekomendasi WHO menggunakan selRD dan L20B. Namun, teknik ini masih memiliki keterbatasan karena harus menggunakan 2 cell line secara bersamaan. Penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan bahwa Sel Punca Mesenkimal (SPM) dari paru-paru ayam dan sumsum tulang dari ayam, babi serta manusia memiliki potensi untuk replikasi virus. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Sel Punca dan Laboratorium Polio PBTDK dari bulan Maret – Oktober 2013 sebagai studi awal pengembanganSPM dari sumsum tulang mencit sebagai alternatif untuk diagnosis Poliovirus. Uji sensitivitas dilakukan pada 3 cell line (RD, L20B dan SPM mencit) terhadap Poliovirus tipe 1. Nilai 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Disease (TCID50) diperolehberdasarkan kerusakan sel akibat infeksi virus (cytophatic effects– CPE).Pada hari ketujuh, sel RD dan L20B menunjukkan CPE sedangkanSPM mencit belum menunjukkan CPE. TCID50 pada sel RD adalah 8,19 ± 0,19 dan sel L20B adalah 7,44 ± 0,09 TCID50/ml. SPM dari sumsum tulang mencit tidak susceptible terhadap Poliovirus karena tidak memiliki reseptorPoliovirusmanusia(hPVR, CD155). Perlu dilakukan uji sensitivitas SPM yang bersumber dari primata atau manusia terhadap Poliovirus.Kata Kunci : Sel Punca Mesenkimal (SPM) mencit, Succeptibility, Poliovirus

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Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia published 2 times a year. This journal is a medium of information and research results and development areas for non-communicable diseases and public health program managers, as well as a means of communication the researchers /enthusiasts in the field of ...