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Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia
ISSN : 23015810     EISSN : 23548800     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia published 2 times a year. This journal is a medium of information and research results and development areas for non-communicable diseases and public health program managers, as well as a means of communication the researchers /enthusiasts in the field of non-communicable diseases and infectious.
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Profit Cedera Akibat Jatuh, Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas dan Terluka Benda Tajam/Tumpul pada Masyarakat Indonesia Riyadina, Woro
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat BTDK

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Injury contributed to 15% mortality, 25% of disease burden and economic losses 5% GDP (Growth Product Development). Injury from traffic accidents, falls and injured by sharp/blunt object proportion occupied most of the causes of injury in the community, especially in developing countries. Advance analysis aims to compare the profile of injury from falls, traffic accidents and injured by sharp/blunt object on the people of Indonesia. This article is a public health data analysis resulted from 2007 basic health survey interview (Riskesdas) to 928,317 respondents from 33 provinces in Indonesia. The dependent variables were injury from falls, traffic accidents and injured by sharp/blunt object. Independent variables included the body part affected by injury, type of injury and the characteristics of the respondents (gender and type of urban or rural). Analysis of data using complex samples and weighted. Data are analyzed using the Chi square test to different proportions. Results indicated that the most of injury proportion in Indonesia were falls 59.5% (95% CI 58.9 -60.2), traffic accidents (land, sea and air) 27% (95% CI 26.4- 27.5) and injured by sharp/blunt object 18.3% (95% CI 17.7 - 18.9). The majority of the body part affected by injury was the extremities (hand and foot). Type of injury to falls and traffic accidents were supeificial, respectively 54.1% (95% CI 53.2- 54.9) and 65.9% (95% CI 64,9-66,8), meanwhile injured by sharp/blunt object was open wound 63.2% (95% CI 61.9 - 64.6). Order the highest proportion of fracture/amputation were traffic accidents (9.1%), falls (4.6%) and injured by sharp/blunt object (2.3%). As a conclusion that the profile of injury from falls, traffic accidents and injured by sharp/blunt object were different their characteristics. Traffic accident had the highest  severity  of injury (fracture/amputation) so its control needs to get priority.   Keywords: injuries, falls, traffic accidents, injured by sharp/blunt object
Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan terhadap Penyakit Asma di Indonesia Oemiyati, Ratih; Alwi, Qomariah
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat BTDK

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Over the world asthma is included in the 5 highest cause of morbidity and mortality (prevalence between 5-30%), and the 10 highest cause of morbidity and mortality in Indonesia (around 2-5%). Some researches show that environmental factors influence the prevalence asthma. The objective of this research is to find the asthma prevalence in Indonesia by province, and to evaluate the relationship between asthma and environmental factors (contact with livestock, smoking and the distance between the house and pollution sources). Data were obtained from the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 and be analyzed by the methods of univariate and bivariate. The research result shows that asthma prevalence in Indonesia is 3.32%. The highest prevalence is in Gorontalo province (7.23%) and the lowest prevalence is in DI Aceh (0.09%). It is found that contact with livestock, smoking and the distance between the house and pollution sources (solid waste dumping sites, industries, and workshops) have significant relationship to asthma. But the distance between the house and road, traditional market, and terminal/train station/airport did not influence asthma.   Key words: environmental factors, asthma, Indonesia.
Komorbiditas Depresi dengan Penyakit Fisik Menahun Idaiani, Sri; Bisara, Dina
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat BTDK

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Depression is frequently comorbid with disease-chronic physical illness. This condition increases the burden of disease to both the individual and his family. The main objective of this study was to understand the relationship between depression and chronic physical illness.This study was a secondary data analysis derived from National Health Survey or Survei Kesehatan Nasional (Surkesnas) 2004. Cluster sampling method was used to select the subjects. The number of subject were 3,722 men and 4,479 women, aged more than 15 years, taken from 10,000 households in 30 selected provinces in Indonesia. In each household 1 person was selected using the Kish tables. The number of samples was proportional to size of population of each province. Symptoms of depression were asked to the subject through interviews with questionnaire Subject was being asked about, the symptoms of depression experienced in the last 2 weeks and 1 year. Prevalence of depression experienced in the last 1 year in the community was 15.53%; the prevalence of depression experienced in the last 2 weeks was 10.3%. There was association between arthritis, heart disease, and asthma to depression. Heart disease had the strongest relation with depression experienced in the last 1 year (OR 3.1). The more disease experienced, the more likely a depression occurred in the last 1 year. It required a screening and disease management toward to prevent higher burden of disease.   Key words: depression, comorhidity, chronic physical illness.
Besaran Masalah Low Vision dan Kebutaan di Indonesia Serta Berbagai Faktor Risiko Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007 Berskala Nasional Yekti, Rabea P.; Tana, Lusianawaty
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat BTDK

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Objectives: To assess the magnitude of low vision and blindness problems in Indonesia generally, and specifically, to get low vision and blindness proportions, tracing the trend of problems magnitude, and inventarizing the suspected causes of those visual impairments. Methods: This study analyzed the secondary data collected in the national scope Basic Health Research (BHR) 2007. Enumerators peiformed questionnaires based interview for demographic characteristics, cataract, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus (DM), and hypertension histories, and also measured visual acuity without refractive error correction and calculated the body mass index. Pterygium, lens opacity, corneal scar, and strabismus were identified by enumerators using penlight assistance. Results: We analyzed 765,650 respondents data (6 years old and above). The low vision proportion among those people is 4.8% and the blindness proportion is 0.9%. Those severe visual impairment proportions are higher on females (low vision 5.4%:4,1%; blindness 1.3%:0.9%). All tested independent variables increase the visual impairment risks. Age is the most potential factor increasing the risk to get a visual impairment, followed by the lens opacity. Cataract history and lens opacity are the leading causes of visual impairments among people (30 years old and above). Conclusions: The low vision and blindness proportions due to correctable causes are still high in Indonesia. Those severe visual impairments maybe influenced by multi-factors. Further investigation to identify the definitive causes for severe visual impairment should be peiformed, especially in provinces with higher severe visual impairment proportion compared to the national proportion.   Key words: Blindness, Low Vision, Basic Health Research, Cataract, Refractive Error.
Epidemic Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in Indonesia Tjang, Yanto Sandy; Susanto, Djap Hadi
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat BTDK

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Transformasi luar biasa di bidang ekonomi dan urbanisasi telah mengubah struktur de­mografi sosial di Indonesia sehingga menyebabkan pergeseran besar dalam pola makan dan penyebab kematian. Sebagai penyebab kematian utama, epidemik penyakit kardiovaskuler telah menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius. Masalah menjadi lebih sulit dengan adanya beban ganda penyakit yakni penyakit-penyakit tidak menular menjadi lebih menonjol sementara penyakit-penyakit menular masih belum teratasi karena sanitasi lingkungan yang buruk akibat tidak baiknya sistem pelayanan kesehatan. Penyakit kardiovaskuler sangat berhubungan dengan beberapa faktor risiko yang dapat diubah, seperti kebiasaan merokok tembakau, perubahan gaya hidup (makanan yang tidak sehat dan kurangnya aktivitas fisik), dan kelebihan berat badan/kegemukan. Strategi dengan target individu-individu berisiko tinggi dan upaya pencegahan berlandaskan populasi jelas sangat dibutuhkan untuk menghadapi beban epidemik penyakit kardiovaskuler, disamping menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan baku bagi penduduk Indonesia. Semua strategi ini harus disertai adanya keinginan politik untuk mendukung perubahan kebijakan kesehatan yang diperlukan. Tulisan ini memberikan gambaran singkat tentang beban epidemik penyakit kardiovaskuler di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, dengan penekanan pada faktor-faktor risiko penting maupun strategi pencegahan dan pengendaliannya.   Kata kunci: Penyakit kardiovaskuler, faktor risiko, pencegahan
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Pusat BTDK

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AbstractBackground: Sexual Behavior among Men who have sex with Men (MSM) gives a large contribution in the chain of transmission of HIV. This study aims to analyze the role of personal factors in MSM in East Jakarta on sexual behavior in particular aspects of self-esteem and locus of control. Method: Research design used quantitative methods with cross sectional approach. Collecting data using purposive sampling technique of 224 respondents in East Jakarta with criteria: had sex with men in the last six months; not a transvestite; able to read and write, and are willing to become respondents. Sexual behavior, self-esteem and locus of controls were measured using self-completion questionnaire by the respondent accompanied by a research assistant. Data analysis was conducted to determine the different proportions of risky sexual behavior based on self-esteem and locus of control. Results: Most respondents have a high-risk sexual behavior (78.1%). About 45.1% of respondents had low self-esteem and 60.7% respondents had locus of control from within themselves. MSM with the locus of control from within has a relatively similar high risk sexual behavior as MSM who had locus of control from outside themselves (p=1.000). MSM with low self-esteem tend to have larger risk for high-risk sexual behavior than MSM who have high self-esteem (OR 1.95% CI 1.00-3.80). Conclusion: Low self-esteem on the MSM tends to increase the risk of their sexual behavior, so that it is recommended to develop methods of counseling and mentoring that contains material to increase self-esteem.
Kemampuan Direct Current Yang Diubah Menjadi Alternating Current Dalam Menghambat Perkembangan Telur Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Hakim, Lukman; Pujiastuti, Endang; Kusnandar, Asep Jajang
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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AbstractPre-adult dengue vector is controlled through management of the environment and the use of insecticides, although they have not yet entirely reduced dengue cases. Development of method to control dengue vector physically have been conducted using electric current device converting DC into AC current.The study was conducted in three stages, aimed to find the effectiveness of the device applied with 8 electric current (AC) strengths, the application of time-contact of the current (8 kinds), and water volume (8 kinds) in the container of the device, in killing Aedes aegypti eggs.The results showed, the device could inhibit the development of Aedes aegypti eggs 86.7% at average. The most effective electric strength to kill 50% mosquitoes’ egg was 1.2 volt. On the other hand, variation of time-contact application and water volume of the device did not influence the effectiveness of the device.Since the device could not inhibit the development of Aedes aegypti eggs up to 95%, it was concluded that the AC device is not effective against aquatic stages (pre-adult) mosquito, and cannot be developed as a device to control dengue vector.Keywords: electricity, mosquito eggs, dengue fever, vector eradicationAbstrakPemberantasan vektor Dengue stadium pra dewasa, dilakukan melalui penataan lingkungan dan penggunaan insektisida, meskipun belum sepenuhnya dapat menurunkan kasus DBD. Saat ini telah dilakukan pengembangan secara fisik metode pengendalian vektor DBD menggunakan perangkat listrik dengan mengubah arus listrik DC menjadi AC. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yang bertujuan untuk menemukan efektivitas perangkat listrik dalam membunuh telur Aedes aegypti dengan menggunakan arus listrik 8 variasi (AC) kekuatan, yang diaplikasikan saat ini dengan waktu-kontak (8 variasi), dan volume air container (8 variasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, perangkat listrik tersebut dapat menghambat perkembangan telur Aedes aegypti rata-rata 86,7%. Kekuatan listrik yang paling efektif untuk membunuh telur nyamuk sampai 50% adalah 1,2 volt. Di sisi lain, variasi dari alat listrik ini yang diaplikasikan dengan waktu-kontak dan volume air tidak berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas perangkat listrik. Karena perangkat listrik tersebut tidak dapat menghambat perkembangan telur nyamuk Aedes aegypti sampai 95%, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat arus listrik AC tidak efektif terhadap pemberantasan nyamuk pada stadium (pre-dewasa), dan tidak dapat dikembangkan sebagai perangkat listrik untuk mengendalikan vektor DBD.Kata kunci: Arus listrik, Telur nyamuk, Demam berdarah, Pemberantasan vektor
Situasi Filariasis Di Kabupaten Tabalong-Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 1999-2009 Anorital, Anorital
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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Tabalong Regency represents one of filariasis endemic area in South Kalimantan Province. Endemicity of filariasis in Tabalong is identified from finger blood survey and clinical symptom of filariasis (i.e. lymphadenitis and retrograde lymphangitis) among the residents in 28 villages. This article discusses the situation of filariasis in the district of Tabalong during the period 1999-2009.This article compiled by collecting information and secondary data derived from Tabalong District Health Office annual reports of filariasis research and finger blood surveys ever carried out in Tabalong District. Finger blood survey results conducted in 28 villages from 1999-2009 showed microfilaria rate above 1% (between 1,9-4,7%). With this finding, filariasis elimination program with mass treatment has been done since 2004, carried out gradually to all the residents in the district Tabalong. Until 2009 treatment coverage was about 79.2% and approximately 0.2- 6.7% of the population experienced post-treatment follow-up events. It is recommended to increasing operational costs for mass treatment funded from local budget and involvement of NGOs in order to increase mass treatment coverage including patient education and counseling to overwhelm post-treatment follow-up events.Key words: lymphatic filariasis, filariasis Mass-treatment Abstrak Kabupaten Tabalong merupakan salah satu daerah endemis filariasis di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Endemisitas filariasis di Tabalong diketahui dari hasil survei darah jari dan gejala klinis (yaitu limfadenitis dan pembengkakan kelenjar limfa) diantara para penduduk di 28 desa. Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang situasi filariasis di Kabupaten Tabalong selama periode 1999-2009. Artikel ini merupakan kompilasi data sekunder dan laporan hasil penelitian filariasis yang pernah dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Tabalong. Hasil survei darah jari yang dilaksanakan di 28 desa dari tahun 1999-2009 memperlihatkan angka mikrofilaria di atas 1% (antara 1,9-4,7%). Program eliminasi filariasis dengan pengobatan massal dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2004 pada seluruh wilayah di Kabupaten Tabalong. Sejak tahun 2009 cakupan pengobatan massal sebesar 79,2% dan 0,2-6,7% dari penduduk mengalami kejadian ikutan pasca pengobatan massal. Direkomendasikan agar biaya operasional pengobatan massal ditingkatkan jumlahnya dan keterlibatan LSM untuk meningkatkan cakupan pengobatan massal meliputi penyuluhan dan pendampingan kepada penduduk untuk penanggulangan kejadian ikutan pasca pengobatan agar tidak menimbulkan efek jera.Kata kunci: limfatik filariasis, pengobatan massal filariasis.
Risiko Kecacingan Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Pedesaan Daerah Perbatasan Kabupaten Nunukan Waris, Lukman; Rahayu, Nita; Indriyati, Liestiana
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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High prevalence of worm infection in Indonesia (70-80%) partially identified as Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) from Nematodes, but Cestodes and Trematodes is also found in Indonesia. Worm infection named as neglected diseases because it doesn’t cause mortality although reduced the quality of human resources. It will be important to do research to get the worm infection database for the effective planning action in worm infection fighting. It was an observational research by cross sectional design; research had been done in March-December 2010 in Nunukan, one of border areas, at 9 public health center areas. Population were all students of primary school in Nunukan, samples were primary school students chosen by purposive sampling. The research had been done by explain informed consent, distribution and collection of feces pot and microscopic analysis by direct method. Data were analyzed by Chi square in SPSS-13.0 program.The microscopic analysis found 20.8% positive worm infection of 1126 samples. The highest is caused by STH that is Ascaris lumbricoides and the highest proportion is found in village areas that the environment modification and infrastructure development doesn’t work well. Students of primary school in the village areas have almost five fold risk to get worm infection than city areas. Worm infection tends to be higher in village areas compare to that of city areas because the environment modification and infrastructure development in city areas is better than village areas.Keywords: eggs worm, Nunukan, proportion AbstrakPrevalensi cacing usus di Indonesia masih tinggi (70-80%) sebagian besar diidentifikasi sebagai Soil Transmitted Helmintes (STH) dari golongan Nematoda, tetapi cacing yang berasal dari golongan Cestoda dan Trematoda juga ditemukan di Indonesia. Kecacingan disebut sebagai penyakit yang terabaikan (Neglected Disease) karena dianggap penyakit yang tidak menyebabkan kematian, meskipun mengurangi kualitas sumber daya manusia. Penelitian Ini penting dilakukan untuk memperoleh database kecacingan, untuk tindakan perencanaan yang efektif dalam pemberantasan kecacingan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan Desain Cross Sectional; Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Desember 2010 di Nunukan, salah satu wilayah perbatasan, pada 9 wilayah puskesmas. Populasi adalah semua siswa sekolah dasar di Nunukan, sampel adalah siswa sekolah dasar yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menjelaskan informed consent, distribusi dan mengumpulkani kotoran pada pot dan analisis mikroskopis dengan metode langsung. Data dianalisis dengan Chi-Kuadrat dalam program SPSS-13.0. Pada analisis mikroskopis ditemukan positif kecacingan 20,8% dari 1126 sampel. Penyebab tertinggi adalah STH yang Ascaris lumbricoides dan proporsi tertinggi ditemukan di daerah pedesaan yang penataan lingkungan dan pembangunan infrastruktur tidak dilaksanakan dengan baik. Siswa sekolah dasar di daerah pedesaan hampir lima kali beresiko untuk mendapatkan kecacingan daripada daerah kota. Kecacingan cenderung lebih tinggi di daerah pedesaan dibandingkan dengan di daerah perkotaan, karena penataan lingkungan dan pembangunan infrastruktur di daerah kota lebih baik daripada daerah pedesaan.Kata kunci: Telur Cacing, Nunukan, Proporsi
Peran Faktor Harga Diri dan Pusat Pengendalian Diri Terhadap Perilaku Seksual Lelaki Seks dengan Lelaki di Jakarta Timur Nugroho, Adi
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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Sexual Behavior among Men who have sex with Men (MSM) gives a large contribution in the chain of transmission of HIV. This study aims to analyze the role of personal factors in MSM in East Jakarta on sexual behavior in particular aspects of self-esteem and locus of control. Research design used quantitative methods with cross sectional approach. Collecting data using purposive sampling technique of 224 respondents in East Jakarta with criteria: had sex with men in the last six months; not a transvestite; able to read and write, and are willing to become respondents. Sexual behavior, self-esteem and locus of controls were measured using self-completion questionnaire by the respondent accompanied by a research assistant. Data analysis was conducted to determine the different proportions of risky sexual behavior based on self-esteem and locus of control. Most respondents have a high-risk sexual behavior (78.1%). About 45.1% of respondents had low self-esteem and 60.7% respondents had locus of control from within themselves. MSM with the locus of control from within has a relatively similar high risk sexual behavior as MSM who had locus of control from outside themselves (p=1.000). MSM with low self-esteem tend to have larger risk for high-risk sexual behavior than MSM who have high self-esteem (OR 1.95% CI 1.00-3.80).Low self-esteem on the MSM tends to increase the risk of their sexual behavior, so that it is recommended to develop methods of counseling and mentoring that contains material to increase self-esteem.Keywords: MSM, sexual behavior, self-esteem, locus of control AbstrakPerilaku seksual antar pria yang mempunyai hubungan seks Lelaki Seks Lelaki (LSL) memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap rantai penularan HIV. Penyakit ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor personal pada LSL di Jakarta Timur terhadap harga diri dan pusat pengendalian diri. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik sampling purposive dengan responden sebanyak 224 orang di Jakarta Timur dengan kriteria mempunyai hubungan seks antar lelaki dalam 6 bulan terakhir, bisa membaca dan menulis, not a transvestite dan mau berpartisipasi. Perilaku seks, harga diri , pengendalian diri, diukur menggunakan kuesioner mandiri yang diisi oleh responden ditemani oleh pembantu peneliti. Analisis data dilakukan untuk menentukan proporsi perilaku seks yang berisiko berdasarkan harga diri dan pengendalian diri. Hampir seluruh responden mempunyai perilaku seks yang berisiko tinggi (78,1%). Kira-kira 45,1% responden mempunyai harga diri yang rendah dan 60,7% mempunyai pengendalian diri. LSL dengan pengendalian diri mempunyai faktor risiko yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan control (p=1,000). LSL dengan harga diri yang rendah mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan LSL yang mempunyai harga diri yang tinggi (OR 1,95% CI 1,00-3,80). Harga diri yang rendah pada LSL cenderung meningkatkan risiko perilaku seks maka direkomendasikan untuk mengembangkan mode konseling dan mentoring yang berisi peningkatan harga diri.Kata kunci: LSL, Perilaku seks, harga diri, pengendalian diri