Sains dan Matematika
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Oktober, Sains & Matematika

Identification of Ectoparasites in Vannamei Shrimp and Milkfish Cultivation with Polyculture Techniques

Nadila Nur Rahma Windari (Jurusan Biologi, Prodi Biologi, Universitas Negeri Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Oct 2023


Ektoparasit merupakan protozoa parasit yang menempel dan hidup pada tubuh suatu inang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui spesies protozoa ektoparasit dan tingkat serangan ektoparasit yang menyerang udang vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei) dan ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) di kolam pembudidayaan tambak polikultur unit III Unit Pelaksana Teknis Budidaya Air Payau dan Laut (UPT BAPL) Bangil. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode natif, selanjutnya dianalisis tingkat serangan ektoparasit. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa spesies protozoa ektoparasit yang ditemukan pada udang vannamei yaitu Vorticella sp. dengan intensitas 4 individu/ekor tergolong kategori ringan dan prevalensinya 20% tergolong kategori sering, kemudian Epistylis sp. dengan intensitas 2 individu/ekor tergolong kategori ringan dan prevalensinya 10% tergolong kategori kadang-kadang. Sedangkan, ektoparasit pada ikan bandeng hanya ditemukan satu jenis yaitu Ichthyopthyrius multifiliis dengan intensitas 2 individu/ekor tergolong kategori kadang-kadang dan prevalensinya 40% tergolong kategori umumnya. Ectoparasite is parasitic protozoa that attaches and lives in a host body which known as harmful microorganisms. The purpose of this study is to determine the species of ectoparasite protozoa and the level of ectoparasites attack towards the shrimp species (Litopenaeus vannamei L.) and the milkfish species (Chanos chanos) in the polyculture of pond aquaculture unit III, Technical Implementation Unit of Brackish and Marine Aquaculture (UPT BAPL) Bangil. The method is native, while the analysis of the attack level using the formula of Fernando et al (1972), and the analysis of the attack level using the category of Williams and Williams (1996). Based on the research, the results show that the ectoparasite protozoan species found in Vannamei shrimp are Vorticella sp. with an intensity of 4 individuals involving to the mild category and the prevalence of 20% classifyingas frequent category, and Epistylis sp. with an intensity of 2 individuals areassorted as mild category and the prevalence of 10% as occasional category. Meanwhile, there is only a species of ectoparasite was found in milkfish on Ichthyopthyrius multifiliis with an intensity of 2 individuals dividing to the occasional category and the prevalence of 40% to the general category.

Copyrights © 2022

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Astronomy Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics


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