Jurnal Katalisator
Vol 5, No 2 (2020): KATALISATOR


Article Info

Publish Date
28 Oct 2020


AbstrakGentamisin merupakan salah satu antibiotika dengan gejala toksisitas berupa kerusakan pada sel-sel ginjal atau bersifat nefrotoksik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki komponen metabolit sekunder yang ada pada ekstrak daun Ceri (Muntingia calabura L.) serta kemampuannya dalam memproteksi organ ginjal dari nefrotoksisitas gentamisin. Penapisan fitokimia dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda standar penetapan kualitatif kelompok alkaloid, flavonoid, terpenoid, steroid, fenolik dan saponin. Sementara uji aktivitas nefroprotektif dilakukan dengan mengelompokkan hewan uji  menjadi 5 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri atas 5 ekor hewan. Seluruh hewan uji pada kelompok II-V diinduksi dengan injeksi  subkutan gentamisin pada dosis 40 mg/KgBB selama 8 hari, sementara hewan pada kelompok I sebagai kontrol normal diinjeksi dengan NaCl fisiologis. Satu jam sebelum penginduksian, kelompok I dan II diberikan NaCMC sebagai control pembawa, sementara kelompok III, IV dan V diberi ekstrak dengan dosis masing-masing 75,150, dan 300 mg/kgBB secara peroral. Pada hari ke-9 sampel darah dari seluruh hewan diambil untuk diukur kadar kreatininnya. Selanjutnya hewan dikorbankan dan diambil organ ginjalnya untuk ditimbang dan dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologinya. Kadar kreatinin serum diukur dengan metode Jaffe menggunakan alat fotometer analyzer DIRUI DR-7000 D pada panjang gelombang 492 nm. Uji penapisan fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun ceri mengandung kelompok senyawa flavonoid, fenolik dan saponin. Sementara itu, hasil rata-rata kadar kreatinin pada kelompok I-V berturut-turut adalah: 0,394, 3,074, 1,394, 1,436, 1,374 mg/dl, dan berat relatif ginjal pada masing-masing kelompok 1,061%, 0,66%, 0,6%, 0,704 %, 0,794 %. Uji statistik ANOVA satu arah menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun ceri mempengaruhi kadar kreatinin serum dan rasio berat ginjal secara signifikan (p<0,05). Selain itu, hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan infiltrasi sel radang yang ringan, kongesti menurun, regenerasi sel terbaik terlihat pada kelompok dosis 300 mg/kgBB. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun ceri mengandung flavonoid, fenolik dan saponin dan memiliki efek nefroprotektif terbaik terhadap toksisitas gentamisin pada dosis 300 mg/KgBB.Abstract Gentamicin is an antibiotic with symptoms of toxicity in the form of kidney cells damage, known as nephrotoxicity. This study aims to investigate the secondary metabolite components present in the extract of cherries (Muntingia calabura L.) and its ability to protect kidney organs from gentamicin nephrotoxicity. Phytochemical screening was carried out using a standard qualitative method for determining the groups of secondary metabolites. Meanwhile, the nephroprotective activity test was carried out by grouping male albino mouse as the experimental animals into 5 groups, each consisting of 5 animals. All animals in group II-V were induced by subcutaneous injection of gentamicin at a dose of 40 mg/kg for 8 days, while animals in group I as normal controls were injected with physiological NaCl. One hour before induction, groups I and II were administered with NaCMC as control carriers, while groups III, IV and V were administered with the extract at a dose of 75, 150 and 300 mg/kg respectively. On the 9th day, blood samples from all animals were taken to measure their creatinine levels. Furthermore, the animal were sacrificed and the kidneys were taken to be weighed and histopathological examination is carried out. Serum creatinine levels were measured by the Jaffe method using a photometer analyzer DIRUI DR-7000 D at a wavelength of 492 nm. Phytochemical screening test showed that the cherry leaf extract contained flavonoid, phenolic and saponin compounds. Meanwhile, the results of the average creatinine levels in group I-V were: 0.394, 3.074, 1.394, 1.436, 1.374 mg / dl, and the relative weight of the kidneys in each group was 1.061%, 0.66%, 0.6 %, 0.704%, 0.794%. One-way ANOVA statistical analysis showed that the administration of cherry leaf extract significantly affected serum creatinine levels and kidney weight ratio (p <0.05). Meanwhile, the results of histopathological examination showed mild inflammatory cell infiltration, decreased congestion, and the best cell regeneration was seen in the 300 mg/kg dose group. Thus it is concluded that cherry leaf extract contains flavonoids, phenolics and saponins and has the best nephroprotective effect against gentamicin toxicity at a dose of 300 mg / KgBW.

Copyrights © 2020

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Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Bioengineering


Jurnal Katalisator (ISSN Online : 2502-0943) is a journal containing scientific articles through a review by peer reviewers in chemistry. Jurnal Katalisator publishes original manuscripts, short review reviews on the branches of chemistry including: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical ...