Jurnal Komunitas: Jurnal Pengabidian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 5, No 1: Juli 2022

Peningkatan Kesadaran Mahasiswa Terhadap Sejarah Bangsa Melalui Program Kerja Bakti Di Makam Pahlawan Desa Sagu Baru Kecamatan Lawe Bulan Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara

Muhammad Yassir (Universitas Gunung Leuser)
Rahmat Arfan (Politeknik Kutaraja)
Indra Akbar (Politeknik Kutaraja)
Desy Puspita (Politeknik Kutaraja)
Muhammad Ridha (Universitas Abulyatama)
Geta Ambartiasari (politeknik Indonesia Venezuela)
Thona Mutuah Myco (Politeknik Kutaraja)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Aug 2022


Socialization activity was need to do by student at Desa Lawe Sagu Baru Aceh tenggara. Purpose of this activity to increase bonding and solidarity between student university and community. Beside that this activity was doing to increase awareness of student about hero service in wartime. Some activity was doing like painting wall, cutting grass, cleaning rubbish like plastic, bottle, can and fall leaves. With this social activity, student invite community to directly involve to maintain cleanliness dan take care Makan pahlawan which in Desa Lawe Sagu Baru Aceh Tenggara.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Humanities Public Health Other


Community service community journal is a journal to publicize community service activities on a local, national, and regional scale. Community service activities are activities to manage the various potential, obstacles, challenges, and problems that exist in the community to find a solution. The ...