Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA
Vol 1, No 2: October 2015


Andi Wibowo (Unknown)
Endang Widjajanti Laksono (Pendidikan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Oct 2015


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kelayakan dan efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis inkuiri untuk meningkatkan creative thinking skills dan work creatively with others siswa SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg Gall. Prosedur penelitian ini meliputi (1) studi pendahuluan, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan draf produk awal, (4) revisi pertama, (5) uji coba lapangan pendahuluan, (6) revisi kedua, (7) uji coba lapangan utama, (8) revisi produk akhir, dan (9) diseminasi. Subjek uji coba produk yaitu siswa kelas VII SMPN. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan metode observasi, angket, dan tes. Lembar angket validasi dan lembar angket keterbacaan LKS digunakan untuk mengukur kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran. Soal pretest-posttest dan lembar penilaian proyek digunakan untuk mengukur creative thinking skills. Lembar angket, lembar observasi, dan lembar penilaian antarteman digunakan untuk mengukur work creatively with others. Kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran dianalisis dengan konversi skor menggunakan skala 4. Efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran dianalisis dengan paired-samples t test, multivariate analysis of covariance (mancova), gain score, dan persen peningkatan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa produk perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis inkuiri pada tema “Kalor dan Pengaturan Suhu Tubuh” yang layak dan efektif meningkatkan creative thinking skills dan work creatively with others siswa. Kata Kunci: perangkat pembelajaran IPA, inkuiri, creative thinking skills, work creatively with others.   DEVELOPING AND IMPLEMENTATION AN INQUIRY-BASED NATURAL SCIENCE LEARNING PACKAGE Abstract This study aims to investigate the appropriateness and the effectiveness of inquiry-based natural science learning package to improve junior high school student’s creative thinking skills and work creatively with others. This study employed the development model by Borg Gall. The research procedure consisted of: (1) preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) developing preliminary form of product, (4) first revision, (5) preliminary field testing, (6) second revision, (7) main field testing, (8) final product revision, and (9) dissemination. The product testing subjects were students of grade VII SMP. The data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and tests. Pretestt-posttest questions and project assessment sheet were used to measure creative thinking skills. Questionnaires, observa-tion sheet, and peer assessment sheet were used to measure work creatively with others. The appro-priateness of learning package was analyzed through four scales converted. The effectiveness of learning package was analyzed through paired-samples t test, multivariate analysis of covariance (mancova), gain score, and percentage of improvement. The result of the study was an inquiry-based natural science learning package for the “Heat and Body Temperature Regulatory” topic which appropriates and could improve student’s creative thinking skills and work creatively with others effectively. Keywords: natural science learning package, inquiry, creative thinking skills, work creatively with others

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