Journal of Regional Public Administration
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration


deden haria garmana (FISIP UNSAP)
Lovita Hendrawati (Universitas Sebelas April)
Neng Lina Puspitasari (Universitas Sebelas April)
Osa Nurfitria (Universitas Sebelas April)
Ratnengsih (Universitas Sebelas April)
Siti Anisa Apriliani (Universitas Sebelas April)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Dec 2023


The Family Planning Program is not a program run solely by the central government. In the current era of decentralization, the authority of the central government regarding family planning programs must be properly decentralized, as stated in article (23) paragraph (1) of Law Number 52 of 2009 concerning Population Development and Family Development which reads, "The government and local governments are obliged to increase access to and quality of information, education, counseling, and contraceptive services.” Men's low participation in the use of contraceptives can be caused by internal and external factors. This study aims to determine the implementation of the male family planning acceptor program policy at the Family Planning Population Control Service, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Sumedang Regency, the obstacles encountered and efforts to overcome them. This research was conducted using qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used by observation, interviews, documentation. The data obtained was validated through: Observation persistence, Data Source Triangulation, Reference Adequacy. Research data are processed through techniques: Data reduction, Data Presentation, Conclusion Drawing, which aims to obtain data to support the final results of the study. Determination of the sample/informant in this study was carried out using purposive sampling, namely as many as 5 people. The final results of this study concluded that the implementation of the male family planning acceptor program policy at the Office of Population Control for Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in Sumedang Regency had not been running effectively. This is based on the lack of studies conducted by program organizers on male family planning acceptor candidates.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Social Sciences


The Journal of Regional Public Administration is published twice a year by Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Publik. This journal publishes the results of research conducted by researchers and lecturers in Higher Education. The aim is to disseminate research findings to all relevant stakeholders in ...