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Gedung LPPM Universitas Sebelas April, Jl. Angkrek Situ No.19, Kelurahan Situ, Kecamatan Sumedang Utara, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 45323
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Journal of Regional Public Administration
ISSN : 25487736     EISSN : 27748944     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
The Journal of Regional Public Administration is published twice a year by Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Publik. This journal publishes the results of research conducted by researchers and lecturers in Higher Education. The aim is to disseminate research findings to all relevant stakeholders in order to build knowledge sharing in order to harmonize the capacities of universities, government and society.
Articles 134 Documents
Efektivitas Program Transmigrasi Kabupaten Sumedang Rika Kusdinar; Fajar Fajarudin; Moch Prisma Triadi N.K; Nova Deviayanti Aini; Yusuf Maulana
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This study aims to identify, process data, analyze, and measure the effectiveness of the Transmigration program at the Manpower and Transmigration Office of Sumedang district. The method used in this research is a qualitative method or often referred to as the naturalistic method. A qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from observable people or actors. Data collection techniques were carried out through library research and field studies. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique, which is a sampling technique based on the needs of 4 people. Meanwhile, the research data processing procedure uses the Miles and Huberman Model data analysis technique which consists of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing/verification. Based on the results of the research and discussion, researchers can draw the conclusion that the Effectiveness of the Transmigration Program at the Manpower and Transmigration Office of Sumedang Regency is going well, namely by achieving the goals of the Transmigration program to improve people's welfare in population distribution and reduce poverty. The suggestions for this research are to improve the facilities and infrastructure supporting the program, so that the implementers can work optimally.
Kinerja Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dan Perlindungan Anak Dalam Penyaluran Bantuan Alat Bantu Bagi Penyandang Disibilitas Lalas Sulastri; Dhea Fransiska Aprilyan; Muhammad Fauzi Nuriana; Rizka Siti Jumiati; Siska Nuraeni; Siti Nur’Aminah
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This study aims to analyze the performance of the Office of Social Affairs for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in Distributing Aid Aid for Persons with Disabilities. The method used in the preparation of this PPA is a qualitative method, with the variable being Performance. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, namely the sampling technique of data sources with certain considerations. The informants were the Head of Division, Head of Social Services and Rehabilitation, Staff for Social Services and Rehabilitation, PPDI (Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities) and Assistants for Persons with Disabilities, with this a total of 4 informants. Meanwhile, the Miles and Huberman model used in data analysis with the following steps: Data Reduction, Data Presentation, Conclusion Drawing/Verification, and Triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the Social Service for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection has been going well although there are still obstacles. The obstacle in this research is the limited budget for the distribution of aids. Efforts made by the Office of Social Affairs for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection are re-submitting the budget. It is recommended to increase the amount of the APBD budget, and improve the quality of the manufacture of assistive devices, as well as improve vehicle facilities for the distribution of assistive devices for persons with disabilities.
Model Kerjasama Pengelolaan Sampah Pada Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah (TPAS) Regional Sarimukti (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Bandung Dan Kota Bandung) Teddy Permana; Abdullah; Deddy Mulyadi
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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An issue related to waste and waste management is a problem that is getting more complicated from day to day and it is not immediately resolved in an integrated manner as the case for waste management in the Bandung Basin Urban Area, especially Bandung Municipality and Bandung Regency. As with the end of the age of land use at the Sarimukti Temporary Final Processing Site (TPAS), and there is still waste generation or residual residue that is not transported to the TPA per day ranging from 15% - 51.16% to piles of waste at the TPS, so that it can have an impact negative aspects ranging from public health problems, the reduced beauty of the city so that it becomes a threat, especially to the attractiveness of the region. Collaborative cooperation is needed in order to improve the quality of a clean and healthy environment. With the mechanism of waste management cooperation at the Sarimukti Regional TPAS, it can assist local governments in carrying out their duties in waste management. Looking at the current conditions regarding the existing cooperation in overcoming the constraints experienced by the local government of the Bandung Basin Urban Area in waste management, it is necessary to have a model of cooperation between local governments and stakeholders in waste management as a solution in improving the quality of a clean and healthy environment, through a cooperative model. based on the theory of collaborative governance (Ansel and Gash, 2007) so as to create integration and collaboration of waste management processes from and or between upstream to downstream, at the Sarimukti Regional TPAS. So that the implementation of waste management cooperation at the Sarimukti Regional Final Waste Processing Site (TPAS), as well as the recommendations of researchers including: a policy brief can be drawn up as a supporting document for policies on handling waste management in the Regency / City area which is carried out through waste management cooperation, or creating technological innovations which can provide solutions to problems in waste management at the Sarimukti Regional TPAS
Model Implementasi Penyusunan Anggaran Belanja Pada Sistem Informasi Pemerintah Daerah di Kabupaten Bandung Iqbal Darmawan Sutisna; Septiana Dwiputrianti; Abdul Rahman
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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Regional financial management is a strategic issue whose regulations are regulated by the Central Government by issuing regulations including Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2019 concerning Regional Financial Management, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 70 of 2019 concerning Regional Government Information Systems, and Ministerial Regulation Domestic Affairs Number 90 of 2019 concerning Classification, Codefication, and Nomenclature of Regional Development Planning and Finance, which was later refined by Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 050-3708 of 2020 concerning Verification and Validation Results of Updating Classification, Codefication and Nomenclature of Regional Development Planning and Finance. The issuance of these new regulations has a significant impact on local governments, because the nomenclature of regional apparatus, programs and activities, as well as codification has changed significantly. This also has an impact on the financial management system used by local governments. As a result of the issuance of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 70 of 2019 concerning Regional Government Information Systems, all regional governments in Indonesia are required to use the Regional Government Information System (SIPD) which is accessed through the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs. With the lack of socialization and training obtained, the Bandung City Government needs to move quickly to anticipate the dynamics of this regulatory change, by intensifying communication with regional officials and providing assistance in each stage of financial management. In connection with the phenomenon of policy implementation regarding the model for preparing the budget in SIPD as the implementation of Permendagri 70 of 2019, the thinking model built in connection with this research uses a theoretical study from George C. Edwards III, which in the process uses several variables, namely: communication, resources, attitude of implementers, bureaucratic structure. In this study, the researcher provides recommendations, including optimizing socialization and technical guidance, intensifying coordination with various parties, improving the quality of human resources, compiling SOPs regarding regional financial management.
Pembinaan Organisasi Kepemudaan di Dinas Pariwisata, Kebudayaan, Kepemudaan, dan Olahraga Kabupaten Sumedang Dadan Setia Nugraha; Agung Abdul Jani; Anisa; Deby Octaviana; Farhan Nur Fadilah; Saniyyah Nur Aini; Syifa Agnia Elianto
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The development of youth groups is a strategic matter to utilize the potential of youth for successful development. This study also aims to determine the Development of Youth Organizations to know the inhibiting factors in carrying out Youth Group Development and the efforts made to overcome obstacles to Youth and Sports Group Development at the Youth and Sports Culture Tourism Office of Sumedang Regency. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a descriptive type. Data collection techniques are carried out through library research and field studies which include: observation, interviews, and documentation. Determination of samples/informants in this study was carried out using purposive sampling as many as 4 people. Meanwhile, the data processing procedure used Miles and Huberman model data analysis with the following steps: data reduction, data presentation, and verification.The final result of this study concludes that the Development of Youth Groups at the Department of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, Sumedang Regency has been running well but not optimally. This is indicated by the following findings: (1) The attendance rate of youth organizations only reaches 75%. (2) The government does not provide infrastructure that is intended for youth organizations. (3) The government is not sufficient about what budget is needed by the personnel organization so that the budget is not sufficient. Suggestions for this research are to further improve the quality of group coaching by always paying attention to various things such as facilities and infrastructure that affect the smooth process of Youth and Sports Group Development at the Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports Office of Sumedang Regency so that in the future its implementation can run better. The Department of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports should seek to increase the budget ceiling for youth development so that the implementation of coaching can be more effective. The Department of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports should provide and improve facilities and infrastructure to support youth organizational development activities.
Efektivitas Program Tanda Tangan Elektronik di Diskominfosanditik Kabupaten Sumedang Deden Haria Garmana; Afif Sugihartiawan; Neni Nuraeni; Rosa Adinda Rahayu; Sri Megayani; Yuyun Yulaeha; Torik Aziz
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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Electronic signature is a signature that consists of electronic information that is attached, isolated or related to other electronic information that is used as a means of verification and authentication. With this program, access to services becomes more effective and efficient. This program supports the transformation of agencies to synergize better in the industrial era because everything can be done through technology with e-office applications as a support. The e-office application itself is an office application and can replace the management process that was previously done manually to a digital-based management system (Internet). This study aims to identify, analyze and obtain objective data and information regarding the Effectiveness of the Electronic Signature Program at the Informatics Communications and Statistics Agency (Diskominfosanditik) Sumedang Regency. To measure the extent to which a program is running, it can be seen from whether or not the objectives of the program have been achieved. This effort or method is called program effectiveness. The method used in this research process is a qualitative research method with data collection, observation steps, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, data presentation and conclusions with data validation techniques carried out through data triangulation. The results of the study show that the effectiveness of the implementation of the Electronic Signature Program at the Office of Communication and Informatics, Encoding and Statistics (Diskominfosanditik) of Sumedang Regency has been quite effective in accordance with the plan, especially in targeting the right target, achieving program goals, evaluating and monitoring program implementation. However, in terms of program socialization, it is still not optimal, there is a lack of participation from the village government in terms of attendance at the implementation of the socialization. It is hoped that in the future the Government of the Office of Communication, Informatics, Encoding and Statistics will optimize the program from all aspects in order to achieve more effective and efficient services.
Faktor Keberhasilan Program Silasidakep Dalam Pembuatan Akta Kelahiran di Kabupaten Sumedang Dhesti Widya Nurhasanah Ningrum; Denisya Ramadhanti S; Ega Nurgraha; Ineu Wulandari; Muhaimin Abdur Razzak; Silfa Fauziyyah
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The Silasidakep program in the issuance of birth certificates is one of the innovation programs that aims to form birth certificates, namely as a form of state recognition of a person's existence before the law. In addition, birth certificates are also useful for applying for jobs, requirements for making ID cards and family cards, school entry requirements, marriage requirements, passport processing, voting rights, and inheritance rights management. So it can be concluded that the birth certificate is one of the important documents that must be owned by everyone. Silasidakep is an online service program provided to the public to make it easier to make a Birth Certificate by simply accessing the Silidakep application. Success factors are very important to provide studies and input in determining programs to achieve targets. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive analysis type. Informants were determined using purposive sampling technique so that the informants in this study were the Head of the Civil Registry Service, Head of the Birth Certificate Section, Birth and Death Certificate Administration, Birth and Death Section, Civil Registration Service and Operators. Civil Registration Service. Then the data collection technique is done by literature study, field study (observation, interviews and documentation), and triangulation. After that, data processing uses data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing/data verification. The Silasidakep program in making birth certificates at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Sumedang Regency has been implemented quite well, although there are some things that need to be improved. Based on the results of the research, there are several suggestions, among others, it is necessary to make a special budget for the Silasidakep program or in the issuance of a Birth Certificate without having to adjust to the general budget used as it is today and provide a wider and adequate document archiving space
Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Kecamatan Ganeas Kabupaten Sumedang Suherman; Ai Rohaeni; Jeka Jaelani; Regita Dyah Iswara; Ujang Iwan R; Yane Sri Mulyani
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This research was carried out at the Ganeas Subdistrict Head Office, Sumedang Regency, West Java Province. The formulation of the problem in this administrative research practice is how the work motivation of employees at the Sub-district office of Ganeas, Sumedang Regency is, and how the efforts are made to increase employee motivation. The purpose of this research is to analyze the work motivation of employees at the subdistrict office of Ganeas Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency, as well as to find out what efforts are being made to increase employee motivation in the Ganeas subdistrict environment. This type of research is qualitative research. The data collection technique used is qualitative data collection, namely by reasoning the variables studied qualitatively in the form of information obtained from qualitative informants without using statistics. The research location is at the Subdistrict Head Office of Ganeas, Sumedang Regency. From this research, the research informant is Mr. Camat, an employee at the Ganeas Sub-district Head's office. The result of this research is that the work motivation of the Ganeas Subdistrict Head office, Sumedang Regency is categorized as good but there are still some things that need to be improved, therefore the author hopes that the Ganeas Subdistrict Camat will be able to improve employee performance so that it is even better supported by the provision of motivation appropriate so that employees at the Ganeas sub-district office can increase their work motivation well and maximally. The conclusion of this study is that the work motivation of the sub-district office employees of Ganeas Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency is categorized as good but there are still some things that need to be improved because there are still workers who are not on time at work and from the level of discipline of these employees. Suggestions from the author are expected to the leadership at the subdistrict office of Ganeas subdistrict, Sumedang regency, in order to increase work motivation and work quality of employees at the subdistrict office of Ganeas subdistrict, Sumedang regency, West Java province.
Pengaruh Komunikasi Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Pegawai di Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Sumedang Dadang Suryana
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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An issue related to waste and waste management is a problem that is getting more complicated from day to The purpose of this study was to determine communication and employee work effectiveness, to determine the relationship between communication and employee work effectiveness and to determine the magnitude of the effect of communication on employee work effectiveness at the Manpower and Transmigration Office of Sumedang Regency. This study uses descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach and the type of statistics used is descriptive statistics with probability sampling technique. The number of samples studied were 33 respondents. The analysis used includes percentage calculation, correlation test, significant test and coefficient of determination test. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the Communication in the Manpower and Transmigration Office of Sumedang Regency is in good criteria with the results of the analysis reaching 80.82%. Likewise, the Work Effectiveness of Employees at the Department of Manpower and Transmigration in Sumedang Regency is also in good criteria with the results of the analysis reaching 77.38%. From the correlation analysis, a correlation value of 0.63 can be found which indicates a positive and significant relationship between communication and the work effectiveness of employees at the Department of Manpower and Transmigration. From the results of the significance test, the t-count value is greater than the t-table, namely 4.496 > 2.039. From the analysis of the coefficient of determination, it is known that the communication variable has an influence on the work effectiveness of employees by 39.81%
Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Berbasis Aplikasi Silasidakep di Kecamatan Sumedang Utara Fepi Febianti; Desy Farida Valeria; Intan Annisa; Ode Sopian; Ramdan; Tendiyana Nugraha
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This study aims to find out how the implementation of the management information system policy for the Silidakep application and the constraints of the implementation of the information system in North Sumedang District are able to optimize the work of employees serving the community in the field of population and civil registration. Data was collected through library and field studies including: observation, interviews, documentation studies and triangulation. Determination of the sample/informant in this study was carried out using purposive sampling. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by referring to the technical analysis of the Miles and Huberman model, namely: data reduction (data reduction), data display (data presentation), and conclusion drawing/verification (conclusions). The implementation of the policy on the use of the siladakep application at the North Sumedang District Office has been running but is still not good. This happened because of obstacles such as: (1) Lack of understanding of the siladakep application because the community had not received comprehensive socialization, (2) the community had not received comprehensive socialization, one of which was caused by most of the employees not mastering the siladakep application, (3) The lack of stability of the internet network due to the use of this siladakep application, the main element is the internet network as a supporter of access to the entry of the application. With the end of writing this report, our researchers suggest that the leadership of the North Sumedang District Office should further improve the facilities in the office, and give more attention to employees so that they are more aware of carrying out and completing their duties optimally

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