Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia
Vol 10, No 1 (2024): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)


B. Syukroni Baso (Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Feb 2024


The objectives of this study are; (1) the meaning of the graund sign in the novel Ceroz Batozar by Tere Liye. (2) the meaning of the sign of the object in the novel Ceroz Batozar by Tere Liye. (3) the meaning of the interpretant sign in the novel Ceroz Batozar by Tere Liye. (4) implications for satra learning in vocational schools. This type of research is qualitative research with a description method. The data of this study is in the form of words, sentences, in the novel Ceroz Batozar which contain signs in the form of graunds, objects, interpretations. The source of the data in this study is the text of the novel Ceroz Batozar by Tere Liye. Data collection techniques used through reading or reading technology, observation and recording, analysis techniques. The technique of validity, which is used trianggulation theory. The data analysis technique used in this study is an interactive model with three components of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that there are three signs of semiotics according to pierce in the novels of Ceroz and Batozar, namely graund, object, and interpretant. There are three forms of graund signs, namely 1) qualisignt is a sign marked based on the nature of the word hard, meek, color, animal, and flower, 2) the singsign is a sign that displays reality like a pale face which means fear, 3) legisignt is a sign that an agreement (convention) could be a code/regulation such as a greeting. Objects are distinguished by three forms of signs, namely 1) icons are signs that bear the resemblance of 'rupa' to their reference like wolves, 2) an index that performs the function of a marker that hints at its appearance on the basis of causality relationships, while symbols are signs determined by societal conventions such as the culprit symbolized by the person who always makes trouble. While the interpretation is distinguished by three, namely 1) rheme is a sign related to the possibility of understanding (multi-interpretation) such as wide yawning containing meaning sleepiness, boredom, or disdain for speech, 2) dicent sign is a marker that displays information about its map according to reality such as a fire truck siren informing about a fire, 3) an argument sign a sign containing a reason for something like a boading pass is a requirement to board a plane. the results of the analysis will be implemented and used as reading material or reference to literary learning by making the material of Ceroz Batozar's novel as a medium for learning literature, especially regarding graunds, objects, and interpretations.

Copyrights © 2024

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