SIGMA DIDAKTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Vol 7, No 1 (2019)


rani sugiarni (Univeristas Suryakancana)
Vindi Janika Sandi (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jan 2019


Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini, meningkatkan pemahaman kognitif pada pembelajaran matematika materi lingkaran, mengetahui suasana belajar siswa dan mengetahui respons siswa kelas VIII-1 semester II SMP Negeri di Cianjur melalui model cooperative learning tipe Snowball Throwing. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus tindakan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal tes tiap siklus, lembar observasi siswa dan guru dalam proses pembelajaran, angket skala sikap dan jurnal harian siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan  dengan menerapkan model cooperative learning tipe Snowball Throwing  dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar  siswa kelas VIII-1 di SMP Negeri di Cianjur. Hal ini ditunjukan  dengan hasil tes pemahaman kognitif siswa pada tindakan siklus I rata-rata tingkat  “paham” siswa sebesar 41%, “paham sebagian” sebesar 31% dan ‘tidak paham” sebesar  14%.  Pada rindakan siklus II rata-rata tingkat  “paham” siswa sebesar 53%, “paham sebagian” sebesar 37% dan ‘tidak paham” sebesar  9%. Sedangkan pada tindakan siklus III rata-rata tingkat  “paham” siswa sebesar 54%, “paham sebagian” sebesar 43% dan ‘tidak paham” sebesar  3%. Selain itu susasana belajar siswa baik setiap siklusnya dan respons siswa posotif sangat baik dengan nilai 3,22. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulakan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model cooperative learning tipe Snowball Throwing  dapat meningkatkan pemahaman kognitif. Oleh karena itu hendaknya guru mata pelajaran Matematika dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika perlu dilakukan  dengan model cooperative learning tipe Snowball Throwing. Abstract. The purpose of this study was to increase cognitive understanding in mathematics learning on circle material, to determine the student's learning atmosphere, and to find out the responses of class VIII-1 students in the second semester of Junior High School in Cianjur through a cooperative learning model Snowball Throwing type. This research method is Classroom Action Research which is carried out in 3 cycles of action. The instruments used are test questions for each cycle, student and teacher observation sheets in the learning process, attitude scale questionnaires, and student daily journals. The results showed that applying the cooperative learning model type Snowball Throwing can improve student learning outcomes in class VIII-1 in Junior High School in Cianjur. This is shown by the results of the student's cognitive understanding test in the first cycle of action, the average level of "understand" students is 41%, "understand partially" is 31%, and "do not understand" is 14%. In the second cycle of action, the students' average level of "understand" was 53%, "partially understood" was 37%, and "did not understand" was 9%. While in the third cycle of action, the average level of "understand" students is 54%, "understand partially" is 43%, and "do not understand" is 3%. In addition, the student learning atmosphere is good every cycle and the positive student response is very good with a value of 3.22. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that learning by using the cooperative learning model type Snowball Throwing can improve cognitive understanding. Therefore, the teacher of Mathematics subject in the teaching and learning process of mathematics needs to be done with a cooperative learning model of the Snowball Throwing type.

Copyrights © 2019

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Education Mathematics


Diterbitkan sejak Juli 2012 oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika - Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan Himpunan Peneliti dan Pendidik Matematika Indonesia (HiPPMI). Terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Januari dan Juli. ...