USRATY : Journal of Islamic Family Law
Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Juni 2023

Operasi Plastik dan Selaput Dara (Antara Kebutuhan dan Keinginan) dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

Mailiza Fitria (Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M.Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Oct 2023


Berbagai persoalan telah dihadapi umat Islam di era kontemporer ini yang butuh solusi cepat bagaimana hukumnya. Salah satunya adalah operasi plastik dengan semua variannya, termasuk operasi selaput dara. Permasalahan ini telah menjadi topik pembahasan yang cukup hangat dan menggelitik, karena berkaitan erat dengan agama, sosial, budaya, dan dengan gaya hidup masyarakat modern. Sementara di lain pihak, hal ini tidak dikaji secara eksplisit oleh ulama-ulama klasik terdahulu yang terbukti dengan tidak ditemukan pembahasannya di dalam kitab-kitab karya mereka. Penelitian ini membahas seputar operasi plastik dan salah satu variannya yaitu operasi selaput dara dengan pertimbangan kebutuhan atau keinginan ditinjau dari perspektif  hukum Islam. Sehingga diharapkan nantinya mampu memberikan solusi konkrit terhadap permasalahan tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan metode  penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan sumber data berasal dari  berbagai sumber data. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa  operasi plastik dan selaput dara berdasarkan tujuan prosedurnya, yaitu kalau untuk pengobatan yang bersifat darurat ( dharurah ) dan kebutuhan mendesak (hajjiyah), maka diperbolehkan dengan berbagai pertimbangan hukum Syari’at. Sedangkan kalau bertujuan hanya sekedar untuk kecantikan/estetik, maka hukum Islam memandang ini adalah hal yang dilarang sehingga perbuatannya haram hukum melakukanya. Various problems have been faced by Muslims in this contemporary era that need a quick solution to the law. And one of them is plastic surgery with all its variants, including hymen surgery. This problem has become a topic of discussion that is quite warm and intriguing, because it is closely related to the sociological aspects of society, coupled with the lifestyle of modern society. Meanwhile, on the other hand, this was not studied explicitly by earlier classical scholars, as evidenced by the absence of discussion in their books. This study discusses plastic surgery and one of its variants, namely hymen surgery with consideration of needs or desires from the perspective of Islamic law. So that it is hoped that later it will be able to provide concrete solutions to these problems. Researchers used library research methods with descriptive analysis techniques with data sources derived from various sources. The results of this study are that plastic surgery and hymen are based on the purpose of the procedure, namely if it is for treatment that is emergency (dharurah) and urgent needs (hajjiyah), then it is permissible with various considerations of Shari'a law. Meanwhile, if the aim is just for beauty/aesthetics, then Islamic law views this as something that is prohibited so that the act is considered unlawful

Copyrights © 2023

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Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


FOCUS Usraty focuses to provide a scientific article on Islamic family law that developed in attendance through the article publications. SCOPE Usraty welcomes papers from academicians on theories, philosophy, conceptual paradigms, academic research, as well as religious practices. In particular, ...