Jurnal Pertanian Agros
Vol 26, No 1 (2024): Januari

DAYA PREDASI PREDATOR Sycannus annulicornis TERHADAP HAMA ULAT API (Setothosea asigna) PADA TANAMAN KELAPA SAWIT (Elais gunieensis Jacq)

Guntoro Guntoro (Unknown)
Makhrani Sari Ginting (Unknown)
Hari Gunawan (Unknown)
Dimas Meilano (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Mar 2024


Fire caterpillar (Setothosea asigna) is one of the leaf-eating pests in oil palm plantations, where this type of fire caterpillar is most commonly found in plantations and the highest level of attack. Sycanus annulicornis controls the population of fire caterpillars and to minimise the attack of fire caterpillar pests, as well as maintaining a stable population of fire caterpi llar pests in nature and reducing the use of chemical pesticides that can damage the environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of S. annulicornis predators to control fire caterpillar pests. This research was conducted at the Indonesian Institute of Palm Technology Practical Field using the Randomised Group Design (RAK) method with DMRT further test. S. annulicornis predator was able to predate S. asigna caterpillars at the first time of application in treatme nts P1 (3 caterpillars), P2 (6 caterpillars), P3 (9 caterpillars) and P4 (12 caterpillars). The results showed that the longest searching time was recorded at 84.0 minutes and the fastest at 39.0 minutes, for handling time the longest time was 118 minutes and the fastest time was 51.0 minutes. Keywords: Setothosea asigna, , S. annulicornis, Predation Power INTISARIUlat api (Setothosea asigna) merupakan salah satu hama pemakan daun di perkebunan kelapa sawit, dimana ulat api jenis ini yang paling sering dijumpai di perkebunan dan tingkat serangannya yang paling tinggi. Sycanus annulicornis mengendalikan populasi ulat api dan untuk meminimalisir serangan hama ulat api,   serta menjaga populasi hama ulat api agar tetap stabil dialam dan mengurangi penggunaan pestisida kimia yang dapat merusak lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menetahui kemampuan predator S. annulicornis dalam mengendalikan hama ulat api. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lahan Praktik Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan menggunkan uji lanjut DMRT. 1 Predator S. annulicornis mampu mempredasi  ulat api S.asigna pada saat pertama aplikasi di perlakuan P1 (3 ekor ulat api), P2 (6 ekor ulat api), P3 (9 ekor ulat api) dan P4 (12 ekor ulat api). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lama pencarian (searching time) terlama tercatat dengan waktu 84.0 menit dan tercepat dengan waktu 39.0 menit, untuk lama penanganan (handling time) waktu terlama  yaitu 118 menit dan waktu tercepat 51.0 menit. Kata kunci: Setothosea asigna, S. annulicornis, Daya Predasi

Copyrights © 2024

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


Jurnal Pertanian Agros (JPA) is published by Faculty of Agriculture, Janabadra University and the Agribusiness Association of Indonesia (AAI). It available online supported by Directorate General of Higher Education - Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education- Republic of Indonesia JPA ...