Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Volume 5, Nomor 3, Mei 2016


Lissa Opirina (Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Teuku Umar)
Teuku Budi Aulia (Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala)
Mochammad Afifuddin (Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 May 2016


Abstract: The High strength concrete produced with low FAS value require large amount of Cement,aggregates, with the use of additives (silica fume) and super-plasticizer admixture. Meanwhile, material availability are decreasing from natural rock and river. Because of that, continuous research need to be done  with the use of additives and substitute aggregates. This study aimed to analyze the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete beams of high quality with a variety of additives and substitutes aggregate namely palm oil clinkers, pozzolan sand and charcoal fly ash. In this study tested 7 pieces beam with 15 x 30 x 220 cm sized for each additive and the substitution of the aggregate total of the test specimen and the test specimen normal beam. The test object is designed to undergo bending failure. Quality steel (fy) used for the principal reinforcement of 445.63 MPa and shear reinforcement amounted to 381.97 MPa, tensile reinforcement using a screw diameter of 15.8 mm, 11.9 mm diameter rebar press screw and shear reinforcement diameter 11.9 mm screw. High Quality Concrete compressive strength (BMT) without variation additives and substitutes aggregate (normal) obtained at 60.652MPa with FAS0.30. The results showed that all the beams undergo bending failure as planned. The result of bending capacity for normal beam is 2,696. The maximum deflection for a variety of additives obtained at BMT charcoal fly ash (FABB) by the percentage of the amount of deflection of the normal BMT amounted to 210.804% with a maximum load 273.305 kN, whereas, for fine aggregate substitution variation obtained at BMT Pozzolan Sand (PPAH) by the percentage of the amount of deflection 178.392% with a load of 257.02 KN. Comparison BMT beam ductility of charcoal fly ash to block the normal BMT amounted to 130.011%, while the beam BMT PPAH 19.751%. It can be concluded that variations and substitutions aggregate additive can increase the value of deflection and ductility of high quality concrete. Charcoal fly ash has the best value and highly effective to be used.Keywords : High Strength Reinforced Concrete Beam, Bending Capacity, Additives, Aggregates Substitution, Deflection, Ductility.Abstrak: Beton mutu tinggi dibentuk dengan nilai FAS yang rendah, sehingga membutuhkan semen dalam jumlah yang besar, agregat serta penggunaan bahan tambahan / additive (silica fume) dan admixture super plasticizer. Sementara itu ketersediaan material yang berasal dari sungai dan batuan alam semakin berkurang jumlahnya.Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan tentang penggunaan bahan tambahan pengganti tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kapasitas lentur balok beton bertulang mutu tinggi dengan variasi aditif dan substitusi agregat yaitu cangkang sawit, pasir pozzolan dan fly ash batubara. Pada penelitian ini diuji 7 buah balok berukuran 15 x 30 x 220 cm  untuk masing-masing aditif dan substitusi agregat sebanyak satu benda uji dan satu benda uji balok normal. Benda uji didisain untuk mengalami gagal lentur. Mutu baja (fy) yang digunakan untuk tulangan pokok sebesar 445,63 MPa dan tulangan geser sebesar 381,97 MPa, tulangan tarik yang digunakan berdiameter 15,8 mm ulir, tulangan tekan diameter 11,9 mm ulir dan tulangan geser diameter 11,9 mm ulir. Kuat tekan Beton Mutu Tinggi (BMT) tanpa variasi aditif dan substitusi agregat (normal) yang didapat sebesar 60,652 MPa dengan FAS 0,30. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua balok mengalami gagal lentur sesuai yang direncanakan.Kapasitas lentur balok normal yang dihasilkan sebesar 2,696. Lendutan maksimum untuk variasi aditif didapat pada BMT fly ash batubara (FABB) dengan persentase besarnya lendutan terhadap BMT normal sebesar 210,804% dengan beban maksimum 273,305 kN,sedangkan untuk variasi substitusi agregat halus didapat pada BMT Pasir Pozzolan (PPAH) dengan persentase besarnya lendutan 178,392% dengan  beban 257,02 KN. Perbandingan daktilitas balok BMT fly ash batubara terhadap balok BMT normal sebesar 130,011%, sedangkan pada balok BMT PPAH 19,751%. Dapat disimpulkan variasi aditif dan substitusi agregat dapat meningkatkan nilai lendutan dan daktilitas beton mutu tinggi. Fly ash batubara memiliki nilai yang terbaik dan sangat efektif untuk digunakanKata kunci : Balok Beton Bertulang Mutu Tinggi, Kapasitas Lentur, Aditif, Substitusi Agregat, Lendutan, Daktilitas.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Engineering Transportation


Jurnal Teknik Sipil (Journal of Civil Engineering) Universitas Syiah Kuala is a scientific journal, published by Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala. It is aimed at disseminating research results related to civil engineering fields, where readers of the ...