Naskhi: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Bahasa Arab
Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Volume 2 Nomor 1 April 2020


Ramli Ramli (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Apr 2020


Fenomena pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Indonesia dewasa ini cukup memprihatinkan. Jumlah peminat bahasa Arab dari tahun ke tahun semakin mengalami kemunduran. Motivasi dan minat siswa belajar bahasa arab juga sangat rendah, termasuk mahasiswa jurusan bahasa arab. Hal ini disebabkan karena orientasi dan prospek bahasa Arab yang kurang menjanjikan. Oleh karena itu, para pemerhati bahasa arab harus segera mengambil langkah untuk melakukakan reorientasi pengajaran bahasa arab. Siswa dan mahasiswa bahasa arab tidak boleh lagi diarahkan semata-mata untuk menjadi guru dan dosen bahasa Arab, tetapi juga harus diarahkan untuk menjadi penerjemah dan peneliti dalam bidang bahasa Arab. Lembaga penerjemahan dan penelitian bahasa Arab harus segera dihidupkan demi untuk menampung lulusan bahasa Arab setelah menyelesaikan studynya di perguruan tinggi. Dengan orientasi yang jelas serta prospek yang menjanjikan, bahasa Arab akan banyak diminati oleh mahasiswa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nowadays, the phenomena of the Arabic teaching and learning are very apprehensive. The number of the Arabic applicants decreases year after year. The motivation and the interest of the students to study Arabic is also very low and weak, including the students of the Arabic department itself. It is caused by the orientation and the prospect of the Arabic department which are thought not to be good and promising. So that, the Arabic observers should do reorientation of the Arabic teaching and learning. The students should be aimed not only to be Arabic teachers and lecturers but also to be translators and researchers in Arabic field. The translation and research institution should be established as soon as possible because this institution can accommodate the Arabic alumni later after they finished their study at the university. With the definite orientation and promising prospect, the Arabic department will attract many students.

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


Aim Naskhi Journal: Journal of Education and Arabic Language Studies is a journal that focuses on the study of Arabic language education as a foreign language, Arabic linguistics, the history of Arabic language education, as well as various critical studies about the problems of learning Arabic ...