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Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Ilmiah DIDAKTIKA Agustus 2011
Publisher : Center for Research and Publication Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) of Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jid.v12i1.439


The result of learning is coming from the skill someone has accepted after following learning activities. Students’ achievement can be seen from various domains they are cognitive, affective, psychomotoric. To know the skill that students have to achieve, we need to pay attention toward learning achievement as well as the quality of students’ changed behaviour. This article discusses about 6 teaching skills that teachers should own, namely: (1) skill to open the teaching, (2) skill to explain, (3) skill to question, (4) skill to emphasize, (5) skill to conduct various techniques in teaching learning, and (6) skill to close the teaching learning process.
Different Word-Meaning In Acehnese Armia Armia; Iskandar Abdul Samad; Rostina Taib; Subhayni Subhayni; Cut Zuriana; Ramli Ramli; Maya Shafida; Hendra Heriansyah
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 11 (2021): the 11th AIC on Social Sciences, Syiah Kuala University
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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Differentiation in word-meaning reflects the diverse variety/type of meaningdeterminationinformation in a language. This occurs in Acehnese which has differenttypes of word-meanings compared to other languages across the globe. A semanticapproach is applied in Acehnese. This research applies a qualitative approach whichdescribes about various meanings of the Acehnese language objectively andcomprehensively. This research found that the words in Acehnese has a varietyof distinctive meanings and tends to be different from other languages, these are (1)denotative meaning, (2) connotative meaning, (3) lexical meaning, (4) grammaticalmeaning, (5) contextual meaning, (6) conceptual meaning, (7) propositional meaning,and (8) pragmatic meaning.Keywords: different, words, meaning, Acehnese.
Publisher : Prodi PGMI FTK UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh bekerjasama dengan PW PERGUNU Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/pjp.v6i2.3336


Tujuan penenlitian ini untuk melihat efektivitas metode debat pada tema indahnya kebersamaan terhadap peningkatkan motivasi siswa kelas IV A MIN 3 Kota Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian verifikatif (kausalitas) yaitu suatu penelitian yang menjelaskan hubungan sebab-akibat dari dua variabel atau lebih dalam suatu penelitian atau penelitian yang bertujuan menguji kebenaran hipotesis yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya. Adapun jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 35 orang siswa dan siswi kelas IV A. Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi product moment “efektivitas metode debat pada tema indahnya kebersamaan terhadap peningkatkan motivasi siswa kelas IV A MIN 3 Kota Banda Aceh” dikatakan signifikan dengan nilai 0,718. Maka nilai 0,718 menunjukkan bahwa memiliki efektivitas yang positif dan tingkat hubungan yang sangat kuat dengan dilihat dari interval koefisien korelasi antara 3,80 – 1,000. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan regresi linier sederhana yaitu Y = 10.121+ 0,931X dan R Square sebesar 0,718 berarti bahwa efektivitas metode debat pada tema indahnya kebersamaan terhadap peningkatkan motivasi siswa kelas IV A MIN 3 Kota Banda Aceh sebesar 93,10%. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis alternatif (Ho) “Terdapat efektivitas metode debat pada tema indahnya kebersamaan terhadap peningkatkan motivasi siswa kelas IV A MIN 3 Kota Banda Aceh”. Sehingga hasil uji hipotesi dapat teruji kebenarannya dalam penelitian ini.
ANALISA PENDAPATAN DAN PERSEPSI PETANI KERAMBA TERHADAP KEBERADAAN PT.AQUAFARM NUSANTARA (Studi Kasus : Petani Keramba Dikecamatan Girsang Sipanganbolon Kabupaten Simalungun) Ruth Casarena Saragih; Ramli Ramli
Ekonomi dan Keuangan Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Departemen Ekonomi Pembangunan USU

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The purposes of this research is to analyze the income and perception of cage farmersagainst existence PT.Aquafarmnusantara on subdistrictGirsangsipanganbolon regencySimalungun .The data used in this study were primer and  obtained from 60 cage farmers bysimple random sampling. The analysis method used in this study is Quantitative DescriptiveAnalysis and Path analysis. The test of validity and reliability of the instrument based on value by 0,3%. The result shows that level of education, spacious cages, experience, feed of fish and fingerlings significant to total fish production and level of education, spaciouscages, experience, feed of fish, fingerlings and total fish production significant to level of income of cage farmers and the result of validity and reliability test shows that the questions of perception are valid and reliable.Keywords: Level of Income, Total Fish Production, Perception, Level of  Education,   Spacious, Cages, Experience, Feed of Fish, Fingerlings.  
Ekonomi dan Keuangan Vol 1, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Departemen Ekonomi Pembangunan USU

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There is many factors internal and external factors that determine the level of rice production and rice production efficiency factor is very varied. This study aims to determine the efficiency of rice production factors. In the framework of food security in Tumpatan Village Deli Serdang regency.Case study method in the Village Tumpatan with multiple regression analysis techniques. Primary data were collected by interview by referring to kuissioner that has been prepared.Results showed partial seeds, fertilizers and pesticides have a significant and positive impact on rice production, labor is partially negative and significant effect on rice production. Variables simultaneously seed, fertilizer, labor and pesticides affect the rice production.Factors of production of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides experiencing technical efficiency, and labor have not been efficient. Variables simultaneously seeds, fertilizer, pesticides and labor variables can explain the production of rice was 99.90% while the remaining 0.10% is explained byother variables that do not exist in the estimation model.Keywords: rice production, seed, fertilizer, labor, pesticides and efficiency.
Campur Kode dalam Film Eumpang Breuh Karya Imran Nyak Abeudo Salsabilla Julnadi; Ramli Ramli; Armia Armia
JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2019): JIM PBSI Maret 2019
Publisher : JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

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The study was titled “Mixed Code in The Film Eumpang Breuh By Imran Nyak Abeudo”. The formulation of this research problem is how the mixed form of code contatained in the film Eumpang Breuh. The purpose of this study describes the mixed forms of code in the film Eumpang Breuh. The benefits of this research can theoretically be used as a science and insight for any party who wants to develop linguistics, especially the sociolinguistic field with regard to mixing codes. Practically this research is useful for the author as well as the reader, the benefits for the author with the existence of this research will deepen the science and understanding of the mix of codes. The benefits for readers can be additional information fot both the public and subsequent researchers about the knowledge of mixed codes. The mothod usedsin thishstudy ishqualitative descripticehmethod. Theudata collection techniqueshused inuthis studyhare listening andirecordingotechniques. Theoresearch data is derived from the words spoken by the characters in the film Eumpang Breuh. Theoresults ofothis studyphave six formspof mixedpcode. First, thepinsertion ofyelements in the form of words with classes of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Second, thepinsertion ofyelements inkthe formuof pharasespwith verba phrase types, nominal phrases, presupositional phrases, and adjective phrases. Third, the insertion of baster-tangible elements. Fourth, theoinsertion ofuelements inhthe formlof duplication. Fifth, theoinsertion oflelements ingthe formaof idioms. Sixth, theainsertion ofnelements injthe formuof clauses. Based onothehresults of the analysis, obtained 57 mixedncodes, including 34 mixedpcode inithe formhoflwords, 9 mixed inothe formbof phrases, 8 mixedgcode inkthe formfof baster, 3 mixedicode inhthe formbof duplication, 1 mixedkcode infthe formdof expressionsgor idioms, ando2 mixedhcodes infthe formhof clauses.
Bahasa Tabu dalam Masyarakat Gayo Di Kabupaten Bener Meriah Silfita Yani; Rajab Bahry; Ramli Ramli
JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 4, No 3 (2019): JIM PBSI Juli 2019
Publisher : JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

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This research is entitled "Tabu Language in the Gayo Society in Bener Meriah Regency". The problem in this research is what taboo words are seen from the help and context when speaking in the Gayo community in Bener Meriah Regency. The research objective is to describe what is taboo language in the Gayo community in Bener Meriah Regency. The source of research data is the Gayo-speaking community appointed as informants. The data collection technique taken is the technique of referring skillfully to record and record while the data analysis technique is done by grouping data into categories of taboo language classification and then found the number of taboo languages as a whole and taboo words in each category in the Gayo Community in Bener Meriah Regency. After the data analysis was carried out, the final results of the study were found, namely all 41 words taboo, consisting of (1) taboo mentioning 15 words, (2) taboo mentioning 4 word animal names, (3) taboo names of 3 words, ( 4) taboo mentions the name of the disease 4 words, (5) taboo refers to certain words 6 words, and (5) taboos call expletives 9 words.
Analisis Tindak Tutur Mahasiswa Asal Papua di Universitas Syiah Kuala Vicno Triwira Dhika; Ramli Ramli; Armia Armia
JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JIM PBSI Maret 2020
Publisher : JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

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The research entitled “Analysis Speech  Acts of Students from Papua at Syiah Kuala University” aims to describe the forms of speech acts of student from Papua at Syiah Kuala University, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques used in this research were listening, engaging, dan note taking. From these data, classified according to the types of speech acts namely, direct speech acts, indirect speech acts, direct lateral speech acts, inlateral direct speech acts, lateral indirect speech acts, and inlateral indirect speech acts. Based of the data analysis, 56 speech acts were obtained, including 26 direct speech acts, 6 indirect speech acts, 7 direct lateral speech acts, 6 inlateral direct speech acts, 6 lateral indirect speech acts, and 5 indirect inlateral speech acts. From these data, there is a uniqueness in direct speech acts sentence. Speakers used “Toh” in the end of the sentence. There is a uniqueness in indirect speech acts sentence. Speakers used “toh” in the end of the sentence. Speakers used “Toh” to give information indirectly. There is a uniqueness in direct lateral speech acts sentece. Speakers used “Nunggu-nunggu”. There is a uniqueness in lateral indirect speech acts sentence. Speakers used “Eh” when they want to ask indirectly. There is uniqueness in indirect inlateral speech acts sentence. Speakers used “Wah” when they want to rejected the request.
Analisis praanggapan dalam Iklan Produk Kecantikan di Youtube Erma Zevira; Armia Armia; Subhayni Subhayni; Ramli Ramli
JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2019): JIM PBSI Maret 2019
Publisher : JIM Pendididikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

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Based on the background of the problem, the problem formulation in this study is what is the presupposition in the advertisement of beauty products on Youtube? and what are the types of presuppositions in beauty product advertisements on Youtube. This study aims to describe presuppositions in beauty product advertisements on Youtube and to describe the types of presuppositions in beauty product advertisements on Youtube?. In this study, the authors choose 15 data sources for advertising beauty products "Ponds Instabright Tone Up cream", “Pantene” shampoo, “Garnier Sakura White "booster serum, Fair and Lovely, lotion "Citra Sakura Fair UV ", lotion "Nivea Instant White" serum, deodorant "Nivea Whitening Silk Touch", "Wardah Perfect Bright" creamy foam, "Wardah Lightening Two Way Cake" powder, "Maybelline Fit Me" powder, "Wardah Lightening Whip" facial foam, lotion "Vaseline" body yogurt ", lipstick “Pixy” lip cream, “Perfect Bright” micellar water, “Perfect Bright” micellar water, and “Ellips” hair vitamin. The results of this study indicate that there are six presuppositions in beauty product advertisements, namely (1) there are 26 existential presuppositions that are found in the form of presuppositions marked by nouns, nominal phrases, place descriptions, and time statements, (2) 20 factive presuppositions that are found by verbs, verbal phrases, adjectives, adjective phrases, and numeral phrases, (3) 7 lexical presuppositions found several presuppositions marked by special lexical expressions that give rise to presuppositions with other statements that are conceptually not directly stated in the speech, (4) 2 non-active presuppositions found in the form of presuppositions marked by verbs and conjunctions, (5) 2 structural presuppositions found in the form of presuppositions marked by 0question 0words, (6) 1 counterfactual presuppositions0found 0in 0the 0form of contradictory sentences from the speech
Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Memprediksi Kebutuhan Alat Suntik Medis di Rumah Sakit Menggunakan Metode Backpropagation Ramli ramli; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Rusmin Saragih
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Komputer Terapan (JIKSTRA) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Edisi April
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jikstra.v3i1.252


The hospital is an integral part of a social and health organization with the function of providing services, disease healing and disease prevention to the community. Predicting the number of medical devices is essential for managing a hospital, managing human and financial resources, and for properly distributing material resources. If the number of medical devices can be predicted accurately, this will become the basis for planning and making decisions for hospital managers. Based on these reasons, an electronic tool is needed that can determine the number of medical device needs with a high degree of accuracy and the display of the results for easy reading and data collection. From system testing, the need for medical devices in the following month will decrease in providing some medical devices because they still have a lot of stock in the previous month. The Backpropagation Algorithm can carry out the prediction process, but whether or not the error value and the output is very much influenced by the determination of parameters such as the amount of learning rate and the number of neurons in the hidden layer.