Vol 10, No 2 (2015): EDUKASIA


Ismanto, Ismanto (Unknown)
Irawan, Eka Fery (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Sep 2015


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan observasi sistematik pada pembelajaran  Akidah Akhlaq kelas  VII MTs Kedungombo Buaran Mayong Jepara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif  deskriptif.  Data  yang telah  terkumpul melalui observasi lapangan dan wawancara dengan sumber data, baik primer maupun sekunder dianalisis dengan tahapan model Miles Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa observasi sistematik yang diterapkan di MTs Kedungombo Buaran Mayong Jepara, yakni dengan cara guru mengamati perilaku peserta didik yang telah dipersiapkan kriterianya baik di dalam kelas maupun di luar kelas mulai dari kedisiplinan, tanggungjawab, tenggang rasa, perhatian dan kerajinan sehingga mendapat hasil pembelajaran yang baik. Dengan dilaksanakannya observasi sistematik, guru menjadi lebih aktif dan mengenal karakter serta sikap peserta didik. Di samping itu, peserta didik akan merasa lebih diperhatikan oleh gurunya.kata kunci: observasi sistematik, aqidah akhlaq, perilaku peserta didikTHE APPLICATION OF SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION ON LEARNING AQIDAH AKHLAQ. This research aims to know the application of systematic observation on Aqidah  Akhlaq  Lesson in Class VII of MTs Kedungombo Buaran Mayong , Jepara. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach. The data that has been collected through field observation and interview with both of the primary and secondary sources were analyzed  with the model of Miles Huberman. The  results  showed  that systematic observation  applied  in MTs Kedungombo  Buaran Mayong Jepara, it was with the way the teacher observes the behavior of learners who have prepared the criteria both in class and outside class ranging from discipline, responsibility, tolerance, thoughtfulness and diligence so that it gets a good learning results. By applying the systematic observations, teacher became more active and get to know the characters and attitudes of learners. Besides, learners will feel more noticed by her teacher.Keywords:  systematic observation, aqidah akhlaq, the behaviour of learners

Copyrights © 2015

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