Jurnal Pertanian Agros
Vol 26, No 1 (2024): Edisi APRIL


Laila Nazirah (Universitas Malikussaleh)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Mar 2024


The use of varieties that are tolerant to drought stress is an alternative in dealing with current climate change conditions. This research aims to determine the effect of administering PEG (Polyethylene Glycole) 6000 compounds on drought resistance in the germination phase of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). in the research were rice seeds of varieties G1 = Mustakmal 5, G2 = Inpari 32, G3 = CBD, G4 = Inpari 78, G5 = MR 4, G6 = Mokonga, PEG (Polyethylene Glycole) 6000, filter paper, distilled water. Tools used are ruler, analytical scale, label paper, stationery, calculator, camera, bucket, petri dish, measuring cup, tweezers, basket, 500 ml measuring flask, spatula, plastic crab, auto meter set counter, stirrer, and supporting tools other. The results of this research show that there is a combination of factors between several types of rice with the use of PEG 6000 compounds in the variable of giving 10% PEG 6000 with the Mustakmal (G1) rice variety which is the best combination treatment for the observed variables of plumule length and root length. The Mustakmal (G1) rice variety is the best type for the observed variables of plumule length, root length and tolerance index. The use of PEG 6000 at a concentration of 10% (P2) was the best for observing variables plumule length, root length, plumule-radicle length ratio, and tolerance index. Keywords: water stress, types of rice, PEG 6000 INTISARIPenggunaan varietas yang toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam menghadapi kondisi perubahan iklim saat ini Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh  pemberian senyawa PEG (Polyethylene Glycole) 6000 terhadap ketahanan kekeringan pada fase perkecambahan tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) Bahan yang di gunakan dalam penelitian adalah benih padi varietas G1 = Mustakmal 5, G2 = Inpari 32 , G3 = CBD, G4 = Inpari 78, G5 = MR 4, G6 = Mokonga, PEG (Polyethylene Glycole) 6000, kertas saring, aquades. Alat yang digunakan pengaris, timbangan analitik, kertas lebel, alat tulis, kalkulator, kamera, ember, cawan petri, gelas ukur, pinset, keranjang, labu ukur 500 ml, spatula, plastik crab, auto metic set counter, stirrer, dan alat pendukung lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya kombinasi antar-faktor beberapa varietas padi dengan penggunaan senyawa PEG 6000 pada variabel pemberian PEG 6000 10% dengan varietas padi Mustakmal (G1) merupakan perlakuan kombinasi terbaik pada variabel pengamatan panjang plumula dan panjang akar. Varietas padi Mustakmal (G1) merupakan varietas terbaik pada variabel pengamatan panjang plumula, panjang akar, dan indeks toleransi. Penggunaan PEG 6000 pada konsentrasi 10% (P2) merupakan pemberian terbaik pada variabel pengamatan panjang plumula, panjang akar, rasio panjang plumula-radikula, dan indeks toleransi. Kata Kunci : cekaman air, varietas padi, PEG 6000

Copyrights © 2024

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


Jurnal Pertanian Agros (JPA) is published by Faculty of Agriculture, Janabadra University and the Agribusiness Association of Indonesia (AAI). It available online supported by Directorate General of Higher Education - Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education- Republic of Indonesia JPA ...