ASSYIFA: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

PENGARUH TERAPI MUSIK TERHADAP KECEMASAN PRA ANESTESI DI RUANG OPERASI: The Effect of Music Therapy on Anxiety in Pre-Anesthesia in the Operating Room

Astri Yunita (STIKes Bhakti Mulia Kediri)
Arie Jefry Ka’arayeno (Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang)
Santy Irene Putri (Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang)
Liya Ni’matul Maula (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Mulia Kediri)
Berna Detha Meilyana (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Mulia Kediri)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 Nov 2023


Spinal anesthesia is an action taken before surgery so that patients feel safe and comfortable during surgery and avoid postoperative pain. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of music therapy on pre-anesthesia anxiety in the operating room. The research design is a quasi-experiment with a pre and post approach. The population was all patients who underwent surgery with spinal anesthesia. Samples taken in this study patients who underwent surgery with spinal anesthesia amounted to 30 samples. The independent variable is music therapy. The dependent variable is anxiety. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of statistical test analysis using paired t test after given music therapy showed that p<0.001 (p<0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a difference in the effect of health education before and after music therapy on anxiety in pre-anesthesia. Music therapy can have a calming effect on respondents, can reduce anxiety, make feelings relaxed, relaxed, and can stabilize emotionally.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Dentistry Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health Veterinary


ASSYIFA: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (e-ISSN : 3031-0407) adalah jurnal peer-review yang menerbitkan artikel tentang praktik, teori, dan hasil penelitian di bidang rumpun ilmu kesehatan. Scope jurnal terdiri dari kesehatan umum, kedokteran, kebidanan, keperawatan, kesehatan masyarakat, ilmu gizi, farmasi, ...