Naditira Widya
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): Naditira Widya Volume 13 Nomor 2 Oktober Tahun 2019


Nugorho Nur Susanto (Balai Arkeologi Kalimantan Selatan)

Article Info

Publish Date
06 Aug 2024


Pada saat ini jiwa patriotisme dan sifat kepahlawanan cenderung memudar, sedangkan figur dan sosok teladan mulai langka. Dengan demikian perlu kehadiran sosok pengganti yang dapat memberi nuansa peristiwa perjuangan dan kepahlawanan. Sosok berupa aspek bendawi itu dapat berupa tugu peringatan atau monumen. Monumen ini walaupun dibuat lebih kemudian diharapkan dapat mewakili semangat dan keteladanan. Melalui metode induktif dengan mengkompilasikan sumber sejarah dan bukti-bukti arkeologi yang lain, diungkapkan peristiwa dan makna masa lalu tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggali nilai penting aspek ideologis dari tinggalan arkeologi berupa monumen Dwikora. Penelitian ini dapat membantu kita untuk mengungkapkan, menjelaskan, dan mendesain ulang peristiwa masa lalu. Di daerah perbatasan selain masalah ekonomi, ada persoalan yang tak kalah mendesak, yaitu nasionalisme. Monumen Dwikora di Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara, hampir musnah karena terdesak oleh perbedaan kepentingan, demikian pula kisah sejarahnya. Deskripsi kasus di Nunukan ini dihadirkan dalam upaya penanganan dan menakar nilai penting suatu cagar budaya.Today the soul of patriotism and the nature of heroism tends to fade, while figures and role models are becoming scarce. Thus, it is necessary to have a substitute figure that can give the nuances of the struggle and heroism. The figure in the form of material aspects can be a monument or monument. The monument although made later is expected to represent enthusiasm and example. Through the inductive method by compiling historical sources and other archeological evidence, the events and meanings of the past are revealed. This research was conducted to explore the importance of the ideological aspects of the archeological remains of the Dwikora monument. This research can help us to express, explain, and redesign past events. In border areas besides economic problems, there is a problem that is no less urgent, namely nationalism. The Dwikora monument in Nunukan, North Kalimantan, was almost destroyed because it was pressured by differences in interests, as did its historical story. A description of the case in Nunukan needs to be presented in an effort to handle and measure the importance of a cultural property.

Copyrights © 2019

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Arts Humanities Social Sciences


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