Vol 11, No 1 (2015): (Januari)


Ahyar, Ahyar ( Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Mataram)

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Publish Date
03 Jun 2015


Keberadaan kelas unggulan di madrasah telah menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Bagi yang pro menginginkan adanya penghargaan kepada siswa yang memiliki bakat dan kecerdasan dengan memberikan perlakuan berbeda dengan yang lain. Sementara kelompok yang kontra, menganggap kehadiran kelas unggulan telah melahirkan dikotomis perlakuan, yang berbeda dengan kelas non kelas unggulan. Seakan-seakan non kelas unggulan tidak memiliki potensi untuk berkembang.Terlepas dari pro dan kontra, keberadaan kelas unggulan merupakan suatu keniscayaan yang disadari atau tidak di satu sisi melahirkan sikap skeptis dan di sisi lain melahirkan sikap optimistis. Untuk itu, penelitian ini mengungkap problem manajemen pembelajaran inovatif dan upaya-upaya guru dalam mengatasi problem tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif-fenomenalogi yakni berusaha mengungkap fenomena, rekayasa yang ada tanpa ada intervensi dari peneliti sendiri. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa problem yang terjadi lebih disebabkan faktor non teknis, mental anak belum stabil, rasa jenuh, sikap menyepelekan. Sedangkan problem manajemen pembelajaran inovatif, terjadi sebagai akibat tugas guru yang padat, komunikasi yang belum maksimal, persiapan yang masih kurang, implementasi serta evaluasi yang belum merata. Adapun upaya-upaya yang dilakukan guru seperti menata pola pembelajaran lebih terpadu, menyediakan konseling belajar, dan menerapkan model pembelajaran lebih variatif.The existence of excellent class in Madrassa has driven pro and contra. For those who prefer to give reward to students with high competency and agility, they want different treatment to these students. Whereas the other argues that the presence of excellent class has created dichotomy in term of the treatment for the students, especially for those who does not belong to the excellent class. Non excellent class is regarded as if it does not have any potency to grow as the excellent does. Detached from this pro and contra, the existence of excellent class is an inevitable which we realized it or not it has created skeptical attitude in one side but in other side the existence of this class has been become a silver lining for an optimistic future. This research therefore revealed the problem of innovative learning management and the efforts conducted by the teachers to resolve that problem. Research method applied in this study is qualitative descriptive – phenomenology. This method focuses on revealing phenomena, engineered situation for better learning without any intervention from the researcher. Research finding shows that problem happened is caused by non technical factor; instability of students’ mentality, saturated feeling, and student’s attitude in underestimating the situation. While the problem of innovative learning management is happened due to the teachers are overworked, not maximal communication among stakeholder, not enough preparation, and not enough evaluation and evaluation. Teachers’ efforts to relieve this situation are resetting teaching and learning process into a more cohesive one, providing counseling for learning and implementing more varieties for learning.Kata Kunci: manajemen, pembelajaran inovatif, kelas unggulan

Copyrights © 2015

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