Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (SMIPT)
Vol 6 (2023): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Joi

Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan ( Rph) Ayam Dengan Proses Biofilter Menggunakan Arang Bambu

Parinding, Iis Dahlia (Unknown)
Pasae, Yoel (Unknown)
Saleh, M (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
23 Sep 2024


Abstrak Limbah cair merupakan sebagai buangan air yang berasal dari aktivitas manusia yang mengandung berbagai polutan yang berbahaya baik secara langsung maupun dalam jangka panjang. Pada penelitian ini akan di lakukan pengolahan air limbah rumah potong hewan (RPH) ayam dengan proses biofilter menggunakan arang bambu. Arang bambu digunakan sebagai adsorben karena memiliki kandungan karbon aktif yang memiliki daya serap tinggi dan merupakan karbon berpori yang telah mengalami reaksi dengan bahan kimia yaitu KOH. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pengolahan air limbah rumah potong hewan (RPH) ayam dengan biofilter menggunakan arang bambu dan mengetahui kualitas produk air yang telah melalui proses biofilter. Pengolahan air limbah di awali dengan pembuatan arang aktif yaitu bambu betung di panaskan sampai membentuk arang kemudian setelah itu arang bambu di haluskan lalu di campurkan dengan larutan KOH 5% selama 24 jam, setelah itu arang di cuci hingga mencapai pH netral kemudian di keringkan dalam oven dengan suhu 110oC hingga membentuk arang aktif. Arang aktif tersebut di gunakan sebagai biofilter,dimana air limbah di masukan kedalam bak pemisah lemak selama ± 30 menit, kemudian di aliran ke bak pengendapan awal selama 4,2 jam, setelah itu di alirkan di bak kontraktor anaerob selama 9,45 jam dan di isi dengan arang aktif sebanyak 650 gram, kemudian di alirkan ke bak kontrakto aerob selama ± 8 jam dan di isi dengan arang aktif sebanyak 650 gram serta penambahan blower udara, setelah itu di alirkan ke bak pengendapan akhir selama 4,2 jam kemudian di alirkan ke saluran umum. Setelah di lakukan penelitian di dapatkan proses pengolahan dengan metode proses biofilter anaerob,proses biofilter aerob dan proses biofilter anaerob-aerob hasil air olahan menunjukan aroma arang aktif yang sedikit menyengat dan warna hitam, kualitas air di dapatkan sebagai berikut BOD sebanyak 5,81% dan COD sebanyak 39,841% serta % penurunan kadar BOD dan COD dari hasil tahapan proses biofilter menggunakan arang bambu dengan proses biofilter anaerob BOD RUN 1 0,986%, RUN 2 0,854% dan COD RUN 1 0,984%, RUN 2 0,846%. Proses biofilter aerob kadar COD RUN 1 0,751%, RUN 2 0,295% dan kadar COD RUN 1 0,751%, RUN 2 0,893%. Dan proses kombinasi biofilter anaerob-aerob kadar BOD RUN 1 0,735% , RUN 2 0,103 % dan COD RUN 1 0,735%,RUN 2 0,103%. Sehingga yang paling efektif penurunan adalah metode kombinasi biofilter anaerob-aerob. Abstract Liquid waste is a waste water originating from human activities that contains various harmful pollutants both directly and in the long term. In this study, chicken slaughterhouse wastewater (RPH) will be treated with a biofilter process using bamboo charcoal. Bamboo charcoal is used as an adsorbent because it contains activated carbon which has high absorption and is a porous carbon that has undergone a reaction with chemicals, namely KOH. This study aims to determine the process of treating chicken slaughterhouse wastewater (RPH) with a biofilter using bamboo charcoal and to determine the quality of water products that have gone through the biofilter process. Wastewater treatment begins with the manufacture of activated charcoal, namely bamboo betung heated to form charcoal then after that the bamboo charcoal is pureed and then mixed with 5% KOH solution for 24 hours, after that the charcoal is washed until it reaches a neutral pH then dried in the oven with a temperature of 110oC to form activated charcoal. The activated charcoal is used as a biofilter, where waste water is put into a fat separator tank for ± 30 minutes, then flows into the initial sedimentation tank for 4.2 hours, after that it is flowed in an anaerobic contractor tank for 9.45 hours and then drained into an anaerobic tank. filled with 650 grams of activated charcoal, then flowed into an aerobic contracting bath for ± 8 hours and filled with 650 grams of activated charcoal and the addition of an air blower, after that it was flowed into the final settling basin for 4.2 hours then flowed into common channel. After the research was carried out, it was found that the processing method used was the anaerobic biofilter process, the aerobic biofilter process and the anaerobic-aerobic biofilter process. The processed water results showed a slightly pungent activated charcoal aroma and black color, the water quality was obtained as follows, BOD of 5.81% and COD was 39.841% and % decreased levels of BOD and COD from the results of the stages of the biofilter process using bamboo charcoal with an anaerobic biofilter process BOD RUN 1 0.986%, RUN 2 0.854% and COD RUN 1 0.984%, RUN 2 0.846%. The aerobic biofilter process contains COD RUN 1 0.751%, RUN 2 0.295% and COD RUN 1 content 0.751%, RUN 2 0.893%. And the combination process of the anaerobic-aerobic biofilter contains BOD RUN 1 0.735%, RUN 2 0.103% and COD RUN 1 0.735%, RUN 2 0.103%. So that the most effective reduction is the anaerobic-aerobic biofilter combination method.

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